Chapter Two

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"I... I saw him summon something, it was small and looked like it was on fire. But I don't know what it was. Then he came after me when I screamed. I hadn't meant to but what he summoned looked so distorted and terrifying. Then when I woke up again, I thought I was still alive. I wanted to go home, but something stopped me. I saw my glowing thread and when I started to fly towards it, I saw him again. I got really scared and flew faster, that's when I flew into you. I am so sorry!" she cried, ghost-like tears streaming down her face then faded into nothing.

"Where?" I asked urgently. If I could find him and figure out what he was, maybe I could bring him back to where he belonged. That way I could also get back to my job without him getting in the way. Not that he was all that much in my way, but he was out killing people before they were meant to die. That makes him... Is he a demon? I thought.

Realising I had lost myself in thought, I looked back at the girl who was still standing in front of me. Her white glow was starting to turn blue, oh shit. She was turning into a spirit animal. I had used too much of my power to keep her here! A small amount of panic went through me as I watched her slowly transform. Her arms slowly began to grow feathers, and soon became beautiful long wings. Her legs shortened and turning scaly and in just a few moments, I had a gorgeous bird in front of me. The tether was gone as well and she was able to move about without being tied to her body. I let out a heavy sigh as I looked at her. It was rare that that sort of thing happened, but the one time it did, it had to be me...

"What happened?" she squealed and a small chirp left her beak as she did so. Her wings flapped frantically as she looked at me with some fear.

"I'm so sorry, you are becoming a beautiful spirit animal. I hadn't intended for this to happen, but I also can't reverse time to change you back. I hope this won't be too much of a bother to you. May I ask, what is your name?" I asked her, worried about how she would handle it.

She gave me a curious look before she answered me, "I don't remember my name," she sighed, "But I don't mind being an animal, I feel a bit freer now." Her smile lite up her already glowing blue body, making her even brighter.

"Would you like me to give you a name then?" She nodded, her smile growing even bigger, "Okay, what about Auriel?" she looked at as if she didn't like that idea all that much, "What about Infy then?" She flapped around with joy, chirping happily as she flew circles around me.

"My name is Elyon. It's nice to meet you," I smiled at her warmly. Looking around, I remembered why I had come to talk to her, "I still need to know where you saw this boy. We need to go find him," I urged, remembering what Infy had told me suddenly. She started flying away from me then. I thought she was leaving until she stopped to turn and see if I was with her. I followed after her, going deeper into the lightless alleyways. It must have only been about half an hour before I thought I saw the black-haired boy again, but as we approached the boy I soon found out it wasn't him. We had the whole of London to search and I wasn't sure if we were ever going to find him.

I took Infy to a small and quiet park on the outskirts of town, where we spent the night. I was not going to look for him all night. And the longer I walked the more tired I got. I just wanted to sleep. I quickly fell asleep with Infy curled into a ball next to me.

I awoke to the sound of some birds in a tree just above us. In the dark the night before I had not seen where we had gone to sleep. I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky, it was a brilliant blue with very little clouds. I looked around us then and with the morning light, this little park looked stunning. There were little dew drops on the flowers around the park. Sun rays shone through the leaves and Infy was still sound asleep at the base of the tree.

I got up off the ground and there was a squelching sound. Upon looking down at my clothes, I saw that they were drenched with water. I haven't felt the rain that must have fallen in the night, and I was a bit surprised to realise that the cold hadn't woken me up either. A shiver went down my spine from the cold that I could feel with my realisation.

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