Chapter 9: Part 2❄️

Start from the beginning

I walked to the back and seen the security room. I looked around and nobody was around. So I turned the knob a lil to see if it was unlocked and surprisingly it was. I walked in and went to the cameras in the parking lot from yesterday.

When I look at it. I see Myra pull up and get out her car then the screen glitches and it switches to two hours later.

Basically someone wiped the video between the time Myra got here and the next two hours.

I sighed and walked back out. Nobody saw me so I was in the clear.

I walked out the store. Nique was by Myra car with Stori. I walked over to them.

"Wassup. So what y'all got?" I asked them.

"Well there was McDonald's in her car and stuff from Walmart but that's pretty much it." Stori said. "Oh! And her phone was still in the car."

"Damn. Is it dead?" I asked her.

"Yes. I'm guessing from all the calls and texts." Stori said.

"Alright. What you got Nique?" I asked.

"All they said was that she came in yesterday and left. Like she was in for 5-10 minutes." Nique told.

"Damn. I ain't got nothing either. They wiped the cameras." I told them.

"Aye yo King!!" I heard Jeilani said a few feet away from Myra car.

We all walk over to him. Ace was behind Jei.

He was picking up a pill bottle. He handed it over to me and it had Nique name on it.

"Alright so what does this mean?" Nique asked.

"It means either when she was kidnapped right before she was in the car or whatever she dropped these pills or they dropped it on purpose." I told her.

"Alright let's go. Stori you can get Myra car and follow us to bring it back to the house and park it into the garage." I said. "It can't be in the open because it is suppose to be burned."

"Yo King we gotta head over to the trap." Ace told me.

"Yea I know. We gon head there after we drop the car off at home." I told him.

We all got in the Range Rover except Stori. She got in Myra car and we all went home.

• Ki'Myra POV •

I'm just getting up. Last night I slept on the carpet in that room. It was so cold too. I was freezing. To be kidnapped they really are being easy. I know it's just the first day/night but they haven't let me starve and they brought a blanket and pillow in here for me to sleep with.

I say it was cold because the blanket was not thick.

Anyways I don't really know what their agenda is for me today. I've only really seen one person and that person was Kareem. Haven't even seen Jennifer yet.

Just as I said that I heard the knob turn. Someone walked in. I didn't recognize who it was. Then I looked closer and it was Maleek.

"Maleek." I said so happy. I tried to get up but it didn't happen so I stayed down.

Then someone else walked in. It was Jennifer.

"Fuck." I said to myself

"Hello my darling daughter." Jennifer said.

I didn't say anything. Just continued to look foward and stare into space.

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