Chapter 10: Part 2❄️

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• Ki'Myra POV •
Wednesday, Jun.24th
*cutting time*

It's the next week. I know this because Maleek has been coming back everyday since that day to chill with me and see if the baby is fine. He sometimes lets me use his phone to talk to Ace and King but no one else.

This is just til they can get me my new phone to text them on. They say they can't use my phone because they don't know if  it's bugged or have tracking location on it. Plus since my phone was suppose to be burned, they have turned it off and took it apart that way they don't know.

But I can only talk to them two plus they still tryna figure out a plan. I gave them my suggestion that I should start flirting with Kareem and stuff to get more privileges other than the bathroom and even then someone is right outside the door.

They told me no because I'm 8 months pregnant and blah blah blah.

They always use that against me. Like I can do things. But anyways I been following the movements of who comes into the room.

The only people that come into the room are Maleek, Kareem, Jennifer and some tall brown skin nigga with waves and tattoos from what looks to be his neck to his toes.

They each have keys. Maleek has been giving me all the help he can give me without blowing his cover. But it's been really had for him. I'm just glad he's here.

It's about to be shift changes in a minute.

"Alright mamas it's time for me to go. I'll be back later to check on you. The baby still good? You need anything?" Maleek asked me has he got off the bed.

Yea this room was empty but they started moving in furniture. I wanna say Maleek convinced them and by them I mean Kareem. But I feel as though this was all Kareem himself either way I'm fine because I was starting to really get tired of sitting and sleeping on the floor.

"Yea he fine. Um can you get my pregnancy pillow? Its really starting to feel uncomfortable laying on my left side all the time." I stated.

He laughed. "Alright girl."

He said then left. That's when the tall brown skin nigga with tattoos walked in. He doesn't really talk to me. I find it really rude.

"What's your name?" I asked the dude.

He just looked at me.

"Ugh come on. There's like tons of shift changes. Your in here a lot. I deserve to know your name." I said to him.

He went to speak then stopped.

"Oooh that's what we're doing huh. Ima get it outta ya. We got three hours together." I said.

• Nique POV •

It's been really bad around here since Myra was kidnapped. The boys argue a lot about unnecessary stuff. Like yesterday King made an agrument with me because I didn't wanna go get food with him.

I mean that a lil not normal for a pregnant girl but I was hungry at the time and it was just like wow.

Ace don't be at the house as much anymore due to the fact that Ki'Myra isn't here. We don't know where he be at but we do know he don't be here. He comes and gets clothes from time to time but that's about it.

I feel bad for this family. This is like one of the worse things that could ever happen.

The only thing is that they know how she is. They see her anytime Maleek is with her but I think they just wan her back now. I know I do. I wanna hug her big pregnant self.

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