After the dudes speech some other guy started yelling about stuff. Bakugou said something and walked through the crowd.

"Hey guy with the lavender hair." I called out. He looked at me. I kept playing my game. "You know there were other points in the exam other than villain points. You had just as much a chance as everyone else. Hell, some people in the hero course only got in because of rescue points. So, don't start 'preaching' some stupid shit when you could have helped others. Being a hero isn't just about defeating villains it's also about helping others in need. And if you can't see that? Well, then it was the right choice for you to not be put in the hero course." Everyone seemed to shut their mouths after I said that.

     I didn't want to go through the big crowd so I opened the window and jumped out. Everyone screamed. I just landed on a hoverboard. I went back up to the window to get the N/nsquad. I grabbed them all and floated down to the ground.

"Wow, N/n! Who knew you could be so inspiring?!" Streambean asked.

"I'm always inspiring you idiot." I kept playing my game.

"But, if I'm being totally honest. I thought it was pretty amazing." Cutie said.

"Whatever let's go to the arcade." I said. They all nodded and we went to the arcade. I won all of the games of course.

     The sports festival is in two weeks. So, we all had to train. I trained physically instead of with my quirk. This was going to be on national television so that meant that the villains would be watching too. I didn't want to show them my quirk so that they can't defeat me easier.

     It was the morning and we were all getting ready. There was a lot of heroes and security around the place. Everyone was talking to each other. We were in the waiting room. Blueberry busted in and told us that we were about to go in.

     Peppermint-boy started talking to Bush-head and said that he would beat him. Redhead tried to stop him. Bush-head called out to Peppermint-boy saying that he was stronger than him. But then he went and said he had more potential than almost everyone in the hero course.

     He explained how we all have to fight to stand out. We all started to go out. Banana-head introduces us. I just played my game. Some of the others talked bout being nervous. He introduced the rest of the classes.

     Wanna-be-20-chick came out and said that the class  were going to say a few things. She called me, Micho, and Spiky up. I was first, but some chick commented on how we only got first on the practical and not the test. I looked at that chick.

"Actually I got first in both exams. So, shut your mouth you dumb bitch." I said and went up to the stage.

"I'm sure all of you know about the recent villain attack and because this is being broadcasted on television we're everyone can see, I'm not going to use my quirk." When I said that there were some people looking at me weird. "I say this because I don't want the villains to know what my quirk is yet. When we were first attacked the villains didn't know what our quirks were and it was painfully obvious. I am fully confident in my abilities, but I would rather have the element of surprise on my side if they attack again." I turned and faced the crowd of students. "I recommend you all be careful if when you use your quirk as well. Also if you want to know my quirk and you're a hero then talk to me later or whatever. That's all." I went back down and kept playing my game.

     Micho was up next.

"I don't have a way with words like N/n does, but I really hope that this will help you today.  You all are in this school for a reason! So, let's show everyone what U.A.'s students can really do!" Everyone cheered for him. He came down next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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