"But I have to go. Dani needs me." She gasped, sadness filling her features.

"No, no, no. Don't say that, Dani would want you to have a long and happy life. Like I do." My throat started to ache as I spoke, every word breaking. She just shook her head and looked away from me, contemplating what she was going to say.

"She said she'd never leave me and I'm not leaving her." I tried my best not to stand up and shout at her for being so stupid, I ripped my hand away from hers but instantly felt regret when her eyes filled with sadness.

"But you're leaving me, you're going to leave me lonely, Lola. I'll have no one, you make me happy, you're all I need for Christ sake!!" I rested my head in my hand and pulled at my hair in frustration, she didn't understand me, I couldn't live without her making me happy. I'd end up going back to how I was before and then I'd be an unhappy man with no family or love surrounding me.

I felt her small hand weaving through my hair, her body was shaking and when I looked up I could her crying, the tears streaming down her face.

"I tried my hardest to fix you, Lola. But I walked away and I'm sorry for doing that but please don't go." I was pleading now, begging her.

"It's my time. I fought hard, you helped me Harry. You made these last few months my best few months and I forgive you. I can't take grudges to heaven with me, I forgive you."

I started to speak again but she cut me off, her voice getting more and more weary as she spoke. She held my hand and pulled me close,

"I just need you to do me a few things and then it can all be over and you can forget about me, ok?" I just shook my head and she continued.

"I want you to be happy, Harry. I need all the people I love to find someone to make them smile like you made me smile. The first time I spoke to you, you were an ignorant arsehole,"
she giggled, her whole body shaking as she did, "but my stomach was full of butterflies when you spoke to me and I was secretly hoping we could be more than friends because you were one of the first people to actually take an interest in me and that's why I fell in love with you so quickly. So I want you to fall in love with someone that quickly too, find someone that gets to know you for you."

"But I already did."

"Shush, let me finish. I need to make it to the end." She raised her skinny finger and prided me in the arm, giving me a pointed look and a smirk.

"Now, don't think I don't remember you talking to those paps the other day, because I do!" I swallowed, waiting for her to finish.

"I would like you to tell them the truth, Haz. Just let them know who I was and what you were to me, I don't want lies to be spread about me, I just want the truth, don't run from it like last time."

"Oh and lastly get on this bloody bed and hold me in your arms so I can go peacefully."

I couldn't speak, all the words had left me and all I could think of we're the times we'd spent together so I hopped onto the small bed, cradled her in my arms and kissed her head gently, closing my eyes and holding her for the last time.

"Done, done and done." I whispered into her ear, feeling uneasy at the thought of moving on and forgetting so quickly.

"I love you, Lola Jones."

A small gasp left her lips and she slowly turned in my arms, giving me a weak smile and letting the tears leak from her eyes.

"I love you, Harry Styles."


We were floating, the air around us was warm and her hand was carefully linked with mine.

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