Chapter 20

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Lola's POV

Everything shattered to pieces. Hearing him say those words just broke me and nothing could be fixed.

Dani took me home that night he said those words and I stayed in my room for days on end, refusing to eat, sleep or socialise with anyone. I started to become weaker as the chemo got pumped into me but nothing could make me move from my room. Dani had to force feed me, she tried to wash me whilst I was sleeping and she tried to do anything to make me happy but nothing worked. She missed her main dance shows to take care of me and get me better but not even her smiles and laughs could take me out of that trance.

I felt like I had let him down, I didn't want to bring him down but my cancer had gotten in the way and I'd been a burden to him, that's what I kept telling myself. He was so lovely and happy but whatever he had ran away from him had gotten to him too. My head was telling me to go and see him and tell him that I love him and that I can't live without him but my heart was telling me to stay away.

Whilst I was in the hospital Anne had told me to write Harry a letter as a token of thanks for what he had done but I just couldn't bring myself to write it, knowing that he wouldn't read it anyway. I grabbed pieces of paper and scribbled they words that cam e to my head but I wouldn't send it. I couldn't.

Dani took me to see my Mum and Dad again, I wanted it tell them what had happened with me and how I was coping but it just made me worse seeing the two people I cared about the most dead and buried. I wept uncontrollably for an hour so Dani bundled me into her car and drove at the speed of light to get me home and away from the sadness.

We pulled up outside the flat and that's when she finally, really spoke to me.

"Lo. What the hell can I do to get you out of this trance? It's been killing us for the last few weeks and me and Matty just don't know what to do." She shook her head and grabbed my hand to hold.

I looked down at her solemn face, the bags underneath her eyes highlighting the tiredness I had caused her. I couldn't think straight and the first thing that came to my mind, popped out of my mouth.

"I want to move away."

Harry's POV

It had been almost three weeks since I last saw her and the pain in my heart had not got any better. Everything reminded me of her; the songs I listened to, my kitchen, the O2 arena and even the boys made me think of her. Nothing was getting better.

Louis kept reminding me that I had ruined the only positive relationship in my life and that I'd never get that time back even if I tried, he wanted me to see her and tell her the whole truth about me running away but it would kill me even more to see her so full of pain.

I had turned back to drinking and going out every night and even the girls I slept with didn't help at all. I woke up with a different girl every day, but they weren't Lola.

It was as I was walking passed the cemetery one night that I saw a young girl, hunched over the two headstones at the back that I realised what I had done. I needed to help myself get better and the only way I could do that is to help Lola too.

I couldn't run again.

It was time to face the truth.

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