Chapter 15

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Ciaooooo, I'm back from Italiaaaa for the 15th chapter and it's all down to Roraline C who voted and commented on my chapters. She's fab, so y'all should follow her and read her fic too!

Hope you've all had nice summers and that school doesn't suck too much! Keep reading, voting and commenting!

Thanksssss. x

Lola's POV

I bloody hated the hospital ever since my mum was admitted, but having Harry next me made me feel better instantly. The doctor gave me extra pills to take and had programmed my Chemo to start instantly.

Harry had stayed next to me for three days, he brought me the cookies I like from Starbucks, he attached his DVD player to the Hospital TV and he held my hand when I had my coughing fits. He made me feel safe and protected me from what was happening inside of me and I couldn't have asked for more.

His head was laid on my leg and his curls tickled my skin but I didn't want to wake him from his deep sleep, he'd been sleeping on a chair for a week and the dark bags under his beautiful eyes were gradually getting worse. His light snores filled the room until the nurse bundled in.

"Good Morning, Miss Lola, Mr Styles." She nodded and winked at me when she saw his head was laid on me. I shook my head and smiled at her, putting a finger to my lips to quieten her down.

I'd grown quite close to the nurses in this hospital, they were all fond of Harry and his charm yet they thought we'd make a brilliant couple. Whenever they made comments about us together, I just giggled and shook my head. Never in a million years would Harry ever want to be serious with me. Not when I'm Cancer ridden.

"Now then, Lola, I've got your morphine drip and the Methotrexate to attach to you, it's your first Chemo today, hon." She smiled at me, sympathy lighting up her face. I just nodded and carefully jumped off the bed.

"I'll just go to the bathroom and I'll be yours." I smiled. However I couldn't stop the sick feeling in my stomach, knowing I was one step closer to heaven made me queasy.

I kept my eyes on the floor and wandered straight to the toilet, I was in no mood for conversation with anyone.

As I turned the corner to the bathroom I smacked straight into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I wasn't looking at all, are you ok? Oh god, I'm such a klutz." I babbled to the person in front of me, still not making eye contact.

"Lo, it's ok! Jeez, you'd have thought you shot someone with that apology!" The Irish accent laughed. I sighed with relief to see it was Niall, carrying a large teddy bear and two cups of coffee.

"Oh, I'm sorry Niall, I just feel a bit out of sorts." I smiled, bashfully.

"Ey, don't worry about it Lola, you're bound to! Come on, lets get you back to the room, Haz will be worried." I just nodded and crouched into Niall's embrace.

Here goes nothing.

Louis' POV

I rolled over to see the sun creeping through the curtains and to find myself surrounded by post it notes covered in facts about pancreatic cancer. On the other side of the bed, Niall and Liam were sprawled under my blanket. We had fallen asleep after some research into Lola's cancer and how we could help, and also planning on how to stop Harry from hurting her.

I rolled out from the covers and dragged myself into the living room to check the E! news.

'This morning we have top news that Harry Styles is in fact still staying in hospital after his girlfriend was admitted on Saturday Evening for a cancer relapse. Everyone is sending their condolences to the family of the Girl and we have several sources that suggest all the One Direction boys are helping too."

Oh no.

"Who'd have thought Harry Styles, notorious for his love of girls, would be tamed by a girl in this state? The whole One Direction fandom, as you can imagine, are going mad with the news and are eagerly awaiting the news of their relationship. As are we!"

The news girl winked at the TV and before I could turn it off, pictures of Harry with his previous 'conquests' filled the screen.

Liam and Niall had joined me at that point and we all had the same look on our faces.

Harry was going to be furious.

Harry's POV

I woke up to find Lola missing but a Nurse had taken her place. I looked around, shocked to see she was gone.

"She's gone for a wee, darl, don't worry!" She laughed at my bewildered expression.

I just nodded and gave her a weak smile before wandering down to my car to get a spare black t shirt. I caught myself in the mirror and saw a ghostly reflection staring back, my hair was flat, my eyes dead and my skin crowded with spots.

All I could hope for was Lola to be cured so we could both live happily ever after and everything would be back to normal. We'd be a perfect couple.

As I entered the entrance area, I could see cameras flashing and people crowded around with notebooks and pens, poised, ready for attack. I braved the door handle and pulled.


"Is this a management stunt again?"

"Surely, you could do better?"

"How long is it until she dies, Harry?"

I shook my head and snarled at the journalists surrounding me.

The questions filled the air and as soon as they got worse, I did the only thing that I knew would protect me.

I ran.

How long will it take?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora