Chapter 18

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Oh my lord, I've just done the Ice Bucket Challenge and I can't stop shivering!

Here's 18, hope you enjoy.

Keep voting, commenting, reading etc.

Please read the authors note at the end, it's important... x

Songs for this chapter:

Oceans (Coasts)

Budapest (George Ezra)

Right now (One Direction)

18 (5sos)

Love runs out (One Republic)

Lola's POV

She was beautiful, her smile mirrored Harry's and her whole face resembled his. She beamed when she saw him and I thought she couldn't look happier but when she saw me her face lit up even more. She rushed towards me and engulfed me in a one arm hug to get around the IV drip.

"Oh my gosh, it's so nice to finally meet you, Lola! Harry has spoken about you so much, he's very fond!" She said quickly, with a wink at the end. I smiled back brightly, thankful for the new happiness in the room.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs Styles. I'm sorry, it's not the nicest place to meet..." I trailed off, looking around. She grabbed my hand and beckoned Harry and Niall forward.

"Did you tell her why I'm here, Harold?! Oh and please call me Anne, Mrs is too old!" She smiled again, giving Harry a nudge. I gave him a startled look and he just shook his head.

"No, mother, I didn't, why don't you tell her!" He quipped, shaking his head.

"Don't you use that tone with me, you're still young enough to have a slap off me!" She glared at him, humour laced in her voice.

I laughed at their quick banter and giggled when Harry rolled his eyes at her. He smiled over at me.

"Doesn't she have a beautiful laugh, Harry." Anne said, still smiling, I blushed.

"She does indeed." He smirked.

"I'll go and get us some coffee and let you two acquaint yourselves. No embarrassing stories mum, we haven't even had a first date yet!" He told her, laughing at her shocked face.

"Am gonna go too guys, Liam is cooking me stir fry before he goes on his date." Niall winked.

Date, I thought, what date?

"Don't worry Lo, Dani already knows." The relief washed over me, at least I didn't have to deal with that too.

Dani had visited on Sunday night and admitted to me she still had feelings for Liam, yet she didn't have the strength to tell him or even speak to him. I'd said I could have a word with him but she didn't want to drag me in. I was still going to do it, it was high on my bucket list, after a date with Harry. My inner goddess became giddy at the thought of a date with Harry and she flipped herself over at the thought of his kiss again.

Anne brought me back down to earth with a sudden cough.

"I know this is all a bit much to come and visit when I hardly know you but I wanted to meet you sooner rather than, uh, you know, uh..." She trailed off again and looked at the floor awkwardly.

I smiled at her kindly and squeezed her hand.

"It's ok, I know what you mean. Thank you for coming to visit me, it's lovely to meet you, Harry has spoken about you often and I couldn't wait to meet you myself."

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