Chapter 8 - The Perfect Moment?

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Oswald's POV

This is driving me crazy. I keep getting these moments with Ed, ones that I feel is the best I will get to confess to him. There's been these times where it's just me and him, staring into each others eyes as if we were trying to read our thoughts. Times where I feel something, like a spark between us. Times where we've been so close it would be easy to just....I let out a small sigh. I wish he stayed with me last night. If he had, it would for sure have given me the perfect opportunity to tell him. He was being so kind and helpful. More that usual. I feel as though something in him has changed. At first, it felt really platonic. But now, he just wants to be alone with me. Be close to me. So much so that I think there is something more going on with him. Perhaps he doesn't want to keep things completely platonic? I get he told me there's nothing wrong with us having a physically intimate friendship that all it is? God I'm thinking into this too much. Maybe I tell him tonight? Oh who am I kidding, I've been saying that for two weeks now. 

Edward has a lot to do today anyway. I've set up a mission for him and Zsasz to do together. If Ed really wants to rule the Underworld with me, he's going to need to learn what it feels like to be out in the field, getting his hands a bit dirty. It's nothing too complicated or serious. I think he should start off small, and slowly work toward the bigger tasks. Ones he would definitely get recognition for. I just hope Zsasz actually shows up this time. 

I told Ed about my idea while having brunch with him, I say brunch as I woke up relatively late

."Nothing that'll get me killed I hope" he joked. 

"Of course not! I wouldn't do anything that would put you in harms way until I felt you were ready" I reassured him. I placed my hand over his as I told him that. He gave me a relieved glance and a warm smile. My heart always skips a beat when he smiles like that.

"I know Oswald. I trust you with everything". It was still so odd, someone believing in me as much as he does. Someone caring about me as much as he does. Someone trusting me as much as he does. That's just a few reasons why I love him. I don't think I need to describe what makes him so special and perfect to me. 

"I...l-likewise" I say with a nervous smile. I've never trusted anyone as much as him before either. I mean growing up in Gotham City, can you blame me?

"That means a lot to me" he says with such tenderness in his tone. His eyes were so exquisite and filled with warmth. I could lose myself in them for hours. I accidentally let out such a contented sigh.

"What is it?" he asks. The realisation of the sound I just made hit me. 

"Oh...uhm...n-nothing it's, y-you're eyes they', a-attractive" I stutter and fumble over my words. Oh dear, he's going to be suspicious of that for sure. He turned from me a little, and I could see his cheeks lit up red. 

This made me smile. 

"Th-thank's ever complimented me about, uhm, like that b-before" he said rubbing the back of his neck. How cute, he's flustered. 

"If my compliment made you uncomfortable that's perfectly ok. I won't say anything like it again"

"N-no, no! It's fine Oswald. I just wasn't expecting that is all" he quickly explains away his confusion. Which was reassuring. Of course I'm not going to slip up like that again less he suspect how I feel towards him. I smiled to him, and then continued to eat.

Finally, Victor Zsasz comes waltzing into the room. "Hey boss, heard you needed me?" he said blankly.

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