I'm still thinking about that nightmare. What if its true, whatt if nobody want to be my friend and they only play it for there good. "Hey Blue." "Yea Error is someting wrong." "N-no nothing important." We came to my post. It look same as clasic but In black yellow and red.

"Wow Blue did you pait it." "I did with help from Alphys and Papyrus. Error do you have phone." "Yea. Nightmare give me one When we celebrate thirt anniversary of the creation of our gang. Why tho?"

"Just that you can taxt me if someting bad is happenign around. Plus there is camera that will be conected with your phone to so you can then send me video." 

I pet Blue's head and sit to my post like every sans. "Blue you need to go I will be there adn watch." I said and made little portal to get my sewing/knitting things plus yarn. Blue wave me for goodbye and left.

After a hour of watching and making scarfs. Someone call me on phone. "Who in the hell of. Nightmare? What does he want."

Error Long time no seen.

Sup Hentai Rape monster.

Hahaha. Very funny.

I know. Anyway what do you want.

I just want to ask you what you doing you almost never get foot out of UnderSwap.

I'm just helping Blue here with thinks  I help him to get to Royal Guard And he made me a sentry post where I can knit in piece adn sell scarfs or puppets, or fix my clothes.

It look more like your helping your lover.

What?! He isn't my lover Nightmare.

Yea yea. Wait a sec.

I hear Nightmare to shout at Dust and Killer. And they then starts laughing and I hear perfetly Horor sayd "I ship it"

Sorry Error There are just like big kids. I'ts sad that most mature from our gang isn't here but I get it that you are in vacation.

More like rehabilitacion proces. I said.

Nightmare I must end someone is coming here.

Whatever Glitch.

He said and end a call. Then some cat lady came to me. And ask. "Wow these scarfs are beautiful. I wonder where i seed them." She thinks. "Well I made cople for Sans from Royal Guard.¨

"You are right Last time i saw him he had Dark Blue neon Scarf. Wait You said you made them." "Y-yea I made scarfs and puppets, Sometimes clothes to but i mosly stay with puppets adn scarfs." I answer. 

"Do you thin that I could by one it's prety cold here and I forget my home." "Well duh why would i sit here with at least 10 scarfs. But first I don't sell that neon scarf that have Sans. There are special as a gift from a long time ago."

She nod and looks at scarfs and puppets she then take lime green scarf adn ask. "How mutch this one cost?" "Well this one is lime green. So arond 25G" "Only?" She ask with suprise. "Yea. There are easyer to maek then my puppets adn i have lots of practise with them so It didn't take long to make one."

She open her wallet and put me there 30G "Here keep the change." I nod and take money. she wave and walk away. "Well now I fell little awkward." I said and continue to making red scarf.

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