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I walked towards baggage claim, waiting for my luggage to come through. I've just landed in L.A. and it's 4am currently. I saw my suitcase and grabbed it. I walked towards Starbucks and ordered an iced coffee. Whilst I was waiting, I pulled out my phone and dialed Bryce's number. Luckily for me, he didn't answer. Just my luck.

Once I got my drink, I looked for the nearest hotel in bel air. Once I found one, I ordered myself an Uber. I walked towards the exit and waited outside for my Uber. Once it came, I gave it directions to the hotel. The traffic wasn't all bad so it was only around a 42 minute drive.

When I arrived at the hotel, I walked in and booked a one bed room for the night. I was given the key card and made my way to the 4th floor where my room was located.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. I walked out and along the corridor until I found my room. I unlocked it and walked in. I set my suitcase by the closet and took off my backpack, collapsing on the bed. I sat up and grabbed my charger, plugging it into the socket and putting my phone on charge. I decided to leave Bryce a message before going to sleep.



Hey, your probably still asleep which is okay. I kinda figured you forgot to pick me up from the airport so I'm at a hotel rn. I'll call you in the morning for you to pick me up, love you xx
Delivered 5:13am



I jumped up from my bed and checked the time. 5:03am. SHIT. I was suppose to pick Brooklyn up from the airport. I climbed out of bed and rushed around my room, putting on a hoodie and pair of sweats. I slipped on socks and a random pair of shoes. I grabbed my car keys and my phone. I walked out my room and downstairs, when I heard my phone go off.

'Brookie💘 sent you a message'

I opened it and almost instantly responded.



Hey, your probably still asleep which is okay. I kinda figured you forgot to pick me up from the airport so I'm at a hotel rn. I'll call you in the morning for you to pick me up, love you xx
Read 5:15am

Im so so sorry Brookie. I wanna be able to pick you up for 11 ish so it gives you time to get yourself ready and what not. Can't wait to see you, sleep well. Love you xx
Delivered 5:17am


The girl woke up the next morning around 10am. If she was being honest, she was still really tired and probably would just have a nap later on tonight. She stretched and sat up, checking her phone. She noticed a message from Bryce at 5:17 this morning. She opened it and read it through. He notified he would pick her up for 11am which gives her an hour to get ready. She ran to her suitcase and pulled out a cute but simple outfit for today. She ran into the bathroom and turned on the water so she could have a quick shower. She changed out of her sweats and crop top, climbing into the shower.

After 15 minutes, she got out and wrapped a towel around her petite body. Her hair was still dry luckily since she probably would wash it tonight. She dried off her body and changed into a light blue high waisted pair of jeans and a white floral top. She mainly chose this since the weather looked quite nice out today. She checked the time and it was 10:28am which leaves her around 30 minutes. She put her dirty clothes in her suitcase and grabbed her every day makeup bag out from her back pack including a hair brush for her hair.

She filled in her eyebrows, put on some natural, fake lashes then added highlighter to finished a VERY basic every day makeup look. She brushed her hair through, leaving it down in a middle parting. She took all her things from the bathroom and took them back into the main room, putting them back from where she found them.

Brooklyn grabbed her phone from on top of the cabinet and FaceTimed Bryce. Within a matter of few rings, he answered.

"I'm sorry for not getting you from the airport"

"It's okay, I'm at (a random hotel) can you come pick me up please?"

"Yea I'll be there in 20, see you soon"

"Yea see you"

The call ended and the girl collected all her things. She walked out the room and down the elevator, into the lobby. She gave her key card back into front desk and sat in one of the chairs in the lobby. She scrolled through Instagram waiting for time to pass.

She felt a bunch of excitement when she saw Bryce's text saying he was outside. She closed her phone, putting it in her back pocket. She grabbed her suitcase and walked outside to see her brother awaiting her arrival. She ran towards him and let go of her suitcase in able to hug him. Bryce lifted her off the ground and spun her around.

"I missed you" the girl mumbled into Bryce's neck as he set her down on the ground.

"I missed you too, now let's get these in the trunk" he said indicating to her luggage. She nodded and rolled her suitcase towards the back of the white rang rover. Bryce helped her lifted the suitcase into the trunk, closing it once they were done.

Bryce walked round and climbed into the drivers seat as Brooklyn got into the passenger side.

"They boys don't know your coming by the way, they don't even know your my sister"

"Well were the Hall's for a reason, we're full of surprises"

Bryce let out a low chuckle as he drove them towards the famous SwayLa house.


Sooo she's in la now ;)

Wonder how the boys will react to her arrival?

But what would they think after they find out the famous Brooklyn Leigh they hear about from Jaden is actually Brooklyn Leigh Hall?

Word count- 1066

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