Oihaba - Addiction

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Yahaba Shigeru never really liked to be who he was, he was always told to be smart, look more handsome, be confident but slowly these things were doing the opposite. He was constantly stressed, hated the way he looked, he hated himself, everything about him was wrong. He did volleyball in middle school to pass time, have some fun but everything changed in high school his grades started lowering and his team always lost against Shiratorizawa.

When he was younger his mother started being out of the house more and more, going on business trips for weeks at a time...but his dad caught her...with another man. Yahaba remembered the night when he had come out of his room when glass vases, tables, everything was broken, and there was his mother covered in blood on the floor his dad with the blood on his hands. He killed her and was never caught for it. He remembered the next morning when his father told him that his mother had gone far far away and was possibly not coming back. Yahaba broke down into tears after that exposing what he knew yelling "YOU KILLED HER I SAW YOU KILL HER." He'll never forget what happened after that, he won't talk about it and his father won't either.

So Yahaba Shigeru ended up as an emotional wreck. A teenage tragedy that was kept inside while he smiled and laughed on the outside. No one knew...No one could find out... Except Oikawa Tooru. He watched Shigeru closely, noticed every time he was going to breakdown but couldn't. He wanted to hold Shigeru close but feared rejection; he didn't want to hurt him any further.

Once practice ended Yahaba rushed to get home. He was told to come at the destinated time, or he'd be taken to his house without his resistance. He didn't want to create a scuffle at school, so he decided to listen to his father...while knowing the consequences of doing so.

Once he took little than one step in the house a voice instantly rang out. "Shigeru, I left clothes on your bed for you to wear."

The small voice of the younger Yahaba said "Yes father."

Speak up, or do I have to make you? The menacing grin on his face appeared once he stepped into the entryway.  "No Father." Shigeru said

"and call me Tooru. Not father. I've told you too many times." Yes, that's right Yahaba Tooru the father of Yahaba Shigeru, the same first name as Oikawa Tooru. Yahaba shakily replied "Yes Fat- Tooru"

"I told you to call me Tooru...after all you'd be saying my name soon." He whispered into the younger's ear as he had pinned the other against the wall "still so innocent, Shi ger u"

The younger male turned his head away from his father. He couldn't disobey him, he couldn't tell anyone, No one would help him. He really didn't want this...he wished his father died instead.

The Next Morning...

Shigeru woke up to an immense pain in his lower back. Knowing he still had school today he had to get up...and failed very badly. One of the many maids sworn to secrecy, Isabella, walked into the room. When she walked in, she saw how much pain he was in and the pity shone through on her face. "He did it again...didn't he?" She said to Shigeru.

"I'm fine, It's not that bad." He simply replied

"Don't lie to me, I'll always be here for you. Ok?" She said as she gave him a gentle hug to not inflict pain onto him any further.

"Thank you...Isabella" He responded quietly crying onto her shoulder.

Isabella's POV

I always thought of Shigeru as my own son. I was close friends with his mother too, she was a respectable woman and I understand why she did what she did. Her husband was using her for looks, after he had made his parents get an arranged marriage. She had always hated it, and like her son she was always shedding tears.

I remember the night she died; I was told to wipe the blood off the floor before Shigeru would wake. One of the other servants were told to put her half-dead body into the trash 'where she belonged' but we had decided to give her a proper burial. The servant had buried her out where the wildflowers grew. She loved that place; she brought her son every time she could get away from that monster.

Shigeru had seen, we had heard him yell at his father the next day. The yelling was something I hated. Soon enough he was screaming for help and when I walked in... I can never forget that sight. The sight of...the sight of... I still can't think of it except one detail... He was only 7.

End of POV

When Yahaba didn't show up to school the next day Oikawa knew something was wrong... he was always skipping some school days but why? That was the one thought that went through Oikawa's mind as he dialled Yahaba's Number. It rang once, twice, then eventually it went to voicemail.

"Hey Yahaba, I was wondering if some of the team could come over to your house. You weren't at practice, and you weren't there for the first few classes. Call me back if you can ok?"

I was a rare occasion for some when Oikawa didn't place 'Chan,' or any other additions to his friend's names. When Oikawa really thought about it, Yahaba lives in the fancier part of town with a mansion-like house there was also quite big amount of space around the house. Anything could happen to him...maybe that's why he's not here...

By the end of the day Yahaba still hadn't responded to Oikawa. So, since he wasn't responding Oikawa decided to just show up. He asked Makki and Mattsun to come with him since they were more of a friend to Yahaba and naturally Iwazumi tagged along. Then when Watari figured out they were going to Yahaba's he and Kyoutani tagged along, then the first years decided to just come too. So... he was just bringing the whole team, cause only Oikawa would.

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