BokuAkaKuroTsukki - Soulmates

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Tsukki was always afraid of his parents. They chained him down emotionally kept him close to them, he did what they asked. He followed their rules, their regulations.

"No Homosexuals in my home, I didn't raise you to be a disgrace"

"Don't be in threesomes or other relationships like that"


Tsukishima woke up like every other day, the routine drilled into his mind. He headed to school after he finished his morning routine. After all it will just be a repeat of yesterday...right? Well that's what he thought.

While his teacher droned on about history a small tingle was felt on Tsukki's wrist. Once he looked...well he was going to break down into tears... 3 other soulmate marks were written in different colour ink.

K.T, B.K, A.K

Then the obnoxious writing came. "Hey, you guys did the T.K mark just turn black for you guys?" was written in black ink

"HEY HEY HEY! Mine did too!" large, messy light grey writing also appeared

"I guess our other partner came of age." Neat, smaller writing in dark blue appeared next t it

"Are you there buddy?" The black ink wrote

"They might not be able to hear us yet, after all it can take days to develop sometimes" the deep blue ink wrote back

"I'm sure they can hear us! After all my soulmates are amazing!" The light grey had written

Tsukishima then decided to push these distractions to the back of his head. After all, wouldn't want to break mother's rules...and certainly not fathers.

Time Skip, (He is now in his first year of Karasuno)

"Do you even think our fourth soulmate exists?" The black ink wrote

"I'm sure he does" the deep blue had written back

"What if he...died?"

"I know he's alive out there..."

"Hey guys...what is 34x76?" the messiest light grey writing appeared

"We aren't helping with the homework you forgot to do" the deep blue had written back


"It's 1,800" the black ink wrote back


Every time the words appear on Tsukki he fought the urge to reply... he couldn't it was slowly tearing him up. The words were slowly appearing faster by the second, probably about a stupid subject like 'is water wet?' He's saw that over a thousand times now. It was true that Tsukki was nervous about writing to them. He ignored them for year, how could they forgive him? He acted like a pile of salt on the outside, but he was slowly tumbling down on the inside. He decided to focus on academics and volleyball, especially since they were having a practice match with a powerhouse from Tokyo.

A few days later...

Before the practice match Tsukki had the weirdest feeling. He couldn't take his eyes away from a certain bed-headed captain. His eyes just went into his direction, he even caught him sometimes staring back towards Tsukki. But when he saw the same handwriting on the third year... he knew that Nekoma's captain was one of his soulmates.

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