The search begins.

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(Beck's pov)

It had been a couple of cycles since I've had the disks separated and things had been going pretty smoothly, I've finally caught up on all of the missing shifts for Able at the Garage and I've been spending more time with Zed and Mara after shift, which has gotten them both off my backs for a while. Checking on my disk I see no memories of lasts nights mission, satisfied with this information I quickly return my disk before rounding the corner I was hiding behind, a smile appears on my face as I spot Zed and Mara walking towards the Garage deep in conversation. Coming up with a brilliant idea I decide to sneak up and scare them. "BOO!"

Laughing at Zed on the floor I feel a slight slap from Mara as she tries to control her laughter "Hey Beck, I thought you weren't going to show up to work today" feigning hurt I grab my chest replying earnestly "Who me, I have never missed a day of work in my life". Seeing the eye roll from my blue haired friend I turn to help Zed up who had still been on the floor at this point, stretching out my hand Zed grabs it and hulls himself up, but before I can move my hand Zed gives a gasp of surprise pulling my hand closer, examining my colour coded inner wrist, my eyes widen as I register what's happening 'oh god, it had to play up now didn't it, thanks Cyrus! Really makes hiding my other activities easier'. Swiftly moving my hand I grab the back of my neck mumbling about being late before moving towards my station to sign in for the days work leaving, once again, my two friends with confused faces.

(Time skip)

Other than Zed and Mara whispering to each other when they think I can't hear them, nothing had really happened since the incident earlier, but now it seemed General Tesler had other plans in mind. Sitting up from being underneath the light cycle I see General Tesler's men start to enter the garage along with one of his Recognizers hovering from above, looking over to Able I see him motioning to stand up. Following a couple of other mechanics I stand observing the oncoming troops seeing the one and only Paige walking up to Able. Leaning over to Zed I whisper "I wonder if she's come to lift the curfew" Hearing a slight snort I hear a hushed reply "That or she's come with the news of Tesler's death" we both fall silent after Mara jabs Zed in the ribs indicating up at the Recognizer as a screen appears with our great Generals face on. "Hello all programs, I would like to introduce you to our new Head of enforcement Cyrus" I lose my breath as Tron's former Protégé face appears on screen.

'How did Cyrus survive he suppose to be dead? There's no way he could of survived that fall, the prison shattered with him inside?' Breaking my eye sight from the screen I evaluate everyone else's reaction to the dark coded skinned program while he spoke of protecting Argon City: A lot of programs looked scared but when my eyes met Mara's all I could see was a sense of familiarity 'I hope she doesn't remember Cyrus from the bombing incident, then again that would be a hard face to forget' As I offer a her a small smile I see Mara's eyes flicking down and a small frown forms onto her face. Looking down as well I see that my hands are bawled into fists with the burnt coding starting to appear again, moving my arms into a crossed position (to hide the unusual coding) I advert my eyes back to the screen as Cyrus look directly into the camera, as if addressing me personally and speaks: "I'll be seeing you soon Renegade then I'll be coming for Tron, just you wait and see" Smirking to himself the screen goes black as Paige moves forward telling everyone to line up for a surprise disk check.

(Mara's pov)

I'm getting more and more concerned for Beck recently, I assumed things were going to go back to normal when he started attending all his shifts at work and started hanging out with me and Zed at the club regularly. But this morning just wouldn't leave my mind, those strange marking on Becks wrists when he went to help Zed up looked painful, and they just appeared out of nowhere. It saddened me how closed off Beck had become after Bodhi got derezzed 'Beck, what's going on every time it seems like your coming back to us something happens and you close yourself off to us' I kept my eye on him throughout the day, and when he went to fix an underside of a light cycle I make my way over to Zed for his opinion "Honestly Mara, I don't know what Beck has been doing its all off. I've tried to ask Able and he just told me Beck as been doing some long distance deliveries'' Sighing in frustration I move to the other side of Zed determined to get my concerns out to try and clear my head. "Ok that would explain why Beck hasn't been around and why he's been pulling double shifts recently, but what about those marks on his wrist?"

Holding my hands on my waist I patiently wait looking at Zed's face while he thinks about my question 'Wow Zed looks kinda cute when he's deep in thought....WHAT pay attention Mara' Shaking my head I look back to Zed who had come to a decision "From what I can tell it looks like the coding has been burnt onto his wrist which is strange in it's self as of right now, there no where to be seen, heck Beck looks perfectly normal if not a little worn out." That last comment took me by surprise, glancing over at Beck talking to one of the mechanics I would of thought he looked perfectly fine, but after Zed's statement I looked closer. Ignoring the obvious Beck did look a little tired and slow in some of his movements. Glancing back to Zed I nudge him with a smile on my face commenting "wow Zed didn't know you had such a keen eye, good observation" before walking away to my Light cycle. Chuckling to myself from hearing Zed's mumbles of a reply behind me I go back to work a million ideas and questions on my mind.

The next time I get brought out of my thoughts is when Paige and her Troops arrive with a message from General Tesler, 'I wonder why Paige is giving Beck looks, I didn't know the two of them had met before other then the general disk checks and when programs get sent to the games' Focusing on the message from General Tesler my face soon turns into one of recognition to the new program on the screen 'Cyrus?... Isn't that Becks friend that went to the club with us.... thinking back on it, they were quite hostile towards each other before Zed and I got kidnapped and Able saved us, We didn't see Cyrus after that and Beck became pretty gloomy before Able spoke to him and he became himself again, hmmmm?'

Feeling like someone is looking at me I advert my eyes off the screen to see Beck, he gives me a small smile and I go to return it until I see his tense posture and look down to his clenched fist. Seeing me frown after noticing the code on his inner wrist again Beck looks back to the screen a blank stare gracing his features and arms crossed hiding the marks from view 'I wonder if Cyrus has something to do with Becks strange coding?' Changing my view over to Zed I see that he also has a look of recognition on his face as Cyrus finishes his speech. Paige steps up and announces that a surprise Disk check is going to happen and we all go line up. After everyone gets checked and Paige flirts with Beck a little she gives a final reminder about curfew before leaving with her troops. 'Luckily no one got taken today, but I believe Beck owns us an explanation on how he and Cyrus met'

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