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I'm sorry man.

Your POV

At the hospital

"Excuse me what?" Greg says, standing up. "You never said anything about the goddamn Mafia."

"I know but I thought that was behind my family. Didn't know they'd show up now of all times." I say, scratching my neck.

I can tell Rodrick's judging me.

"I'm sure they won't be trouble..." My voice getting softer as every word comes out. 

"Better hope not." Rodrick mumbles. I try to avoid looking at him, but I can't help it. Tears well up in my eyes as I sit down next to Greg.

4 hours pass

Rowley was finally out of the hospital. We all drove back in silence, a very awkward silence.

"Okay what happened?" Rowley asks, looking at all of us confused.

"Gang." Rodrick says, eyes focusing on the road.

Rowley looked as if he was going to die from shock.

"I'll tell you later..." I say, looking out the window.

Back home

I unlock the door with my silver key and step inside my empty house. Or at least I thought it was empty.

"Hey baby." Clara's voice threw shivers down my spine.

"What are yo-" I got cut off by a bat hitting my head.

No one's POV

Y/N got tossed into a burlap sack and shoved into a van. If she was awake, she'd probably say 'it stung like a bitch' but she's not... so it was quiet.

The van (which had Bruce and a couple of other's inside) went speeding off into the night, disturbing nearly everyone in the neighbourhood. Rodrick yelled at them to 'shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep' but they couldn't hear him.

The van stopped at a worn-down building. Bruce and Clara emptied Y/N from the sack and tied her to a chair, waiting for her to wake up.

Again I'm so sorry. I know it's a little short, there will be a part 2 soon. I know I disappeared from the face of the Earth, but I'm back... yay? Idk man this prompt was suggested by @Itsametaphorsee and I came up with the rest in the shower... I'm a bit rusty at fan fiction. Also question... I'm starting a new book series called Queendom, I was wondering if you would want me to upload it to Wattpad after I finished the first chapter? Please let me know, and if there's any mistakes or errors or something let me know as well. Love ya - Sarita.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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