Fight for Me

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been really busy these few weeks and never got time to write anything in any stories I've started (outside and inside of wattpad). Also, the title is from Heathers the musical, in case you haven't noticed. Thanks for reading! Love you <3

You looked at the scene in front of you unfold.

One fist hitting a face, another hitting another.

It was saddening to watch, but it was like a car crash, you just could not look away.

Their faces were getting bloodied up as you looked on in horror. 

People passing, giving disgusted looks and covering their kids' faces.

Rodrick then hit Rowley so hard in the stomach in his stomach that he started coughing up blood. That's when you came to your senses.

You go between the two bloody boys and scream "Stop!"

The boys look at you.

"What the hell are you doing?!" You ask.

Both the boys look down, seeing your teary eyes, looking guilty.

"Sorry," Rodrick mumbles as Rowley coughs up more blood.

You look at Rowley worried. "We need to get him to a hospital." You say. Rodrick and Greg look at you. "Now!" You exclaim.

All you drag Rowley into the car and sit in your respective seats.

The car ride to the hospital was as silent as the ride to the zoo. You being disappointed and confused, Rodrick and Rowley being guilty and Greg being Greg.

Finally, Rowley speaks, "You're not going to tell my parents? Right?"

You sigh, rubbing your temples, "I'm not going to. But that doesn't mean that they're never going to find out." You gesture at his face.

He lightly touches his face and sighs.

The car was silent for a bit longer.

"I'm sorry y/n," Rodrick says.

You just nod, not wanting to talk to him right now.

He was just making you more than he was before.

You were looking out the window, thinking of the things that Rodrick had done to you. Little did you know a tear was rolling down your cheek.

You started getting angry.

At him and yourself.

You couldn't believe everything he had done without considering your feelings.

This whole time, you had thought he was a good guy, but all of that was a lie. Everything you thought about him was a lie. You couldn't believe that you had defended him in the past when in reality he was everything they said he was. You were blinded by love, but now you could see clearly.

All of that just made more tears swell up in your perfect eyes.

As soon as you the car stopped at the hospital, you wiped your tears. 

You didn't want the guys to see you cry.

Outside the hospital room

The doctor came with the test results.

"How is he?" You ask, hopeful that it was good news.

"The punch didn't do much, but it seems like your friend is anemic, and the loss of blood did not help him recover."

You feel tears in your eyes.

"We'll see what we can do.... but it's very unlikely your friend will be able to live for long" 

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