This whole situation was quite degrading for Marianne and Seth was living for it but for the sake of friendship, he just had to do something.

"There was a rat so our girl Annie here was trying to restraint it." Seth explained but Dr. Brad's frown ticked his heart into a hammering mess for such a pathetic lie he had made.

As if something finally clicked, Dr. Brad gasped. "Rodents? In a hospital? Let me call the exterminator right away."

By now Marianne was a flaming hot Cheeto. "When you're done return the charts specifically to my office, Dr. Stevens?"

"No problem doc, consider it done."

"Good." Dr. Brad finally dropped three folders on the desk then turned to leave.

"You are so paying for lunch today, I saved your burnt ass!" Seth exclaimed as soon as Dr. Brad was out of earshot.

Marianne huffed before snatching the said charts on their overcrowded desk and taking a quick scan through. In the background, Seth was sulking for attention which he then succeeded in obtaining.

"I'm not paying any lunch for you loser! This was your fault in the first place."

Faking a hurt expression, Seth clutched his chest where his heart was to be found. "I guess I should tell Dr. Brad what really happened in here then."

"You will never!" Marianne wagged a finger at Seth who was enjoying this little fiasco way too much. "Okay fine. Lunch is on me." She mumbled a few curses when Seth beamed and started fist pumping the air.

"So what were you going to tell me before—"

Marianne grinned cutting off Seth. "You know Elsie? The redhead who usually runs the nurses station?"

After a little pondering Seth immediately nodded. "The spit-fire." he chuckled at a memory of a senior resident who the nurse had caught shamelessly staring at her boobs in the locker rooms—unfortunately getting rewarded with a ruthless slap across his face.

"Exactly!" Marianne quickly confirmed.

Lowering her voice to whispering decibels, "She filed a sexual harassment case on Dr. Vince three days ago and the guy was fired. There was hardcore evidence on tape, dude had no escape."

"I say well deserved. He didn't have any respect for women or himself and what disgusts me the most he's a married man for God's sake!" Seth couldn't contain his anger which made him lash out. "Why can't people respect their damn wedding vows?"

"Relax cowboy, rumors are saying we now have a new chief of surgery who just came in from Los Angeles. I heard he's really hot and young too."

Seth scoffed. "So typical, people are already soaking panties for this guy." 

"Oh shut up Seth Mickelson. This job is already hard. Taking orders from a sexy boss will at least make it bearable here." 

"He will probably suck anyway." Seth said with a casual shrug making Marianne frown. "

"Can you not spread some negative vibes already?"

"Fine, our new hot boss from LA will make this hospital the face of contemporary medicine. Are you satisfied now, Stevens?"

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