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Women. The bane of Mark's existence.

Alright, maybe not, but jesus they can be possessive. Let's explain.

Mark was with Ethan. And yeah, maybe saying "I'm sorry but I'm hella gay and in love with one of our friends" wasn't the BEST way to go about it, but in his experience it was easier to rip the bandaid off!

Bad idea.

Ethan, on the other hand, went for a lighter approach.

"H-hey, uh, Meeks? Can we talk for a minute?" he said quietly, scared out of his fucking mind.

"Yeah babe, what's up?" Mika said simply. The pet name made it so much worse. He wanted to cry.

"U-uh, so... fuck, um... You know how I-I'm bi?" he started, thinking it'd be a good segue.

"Yeah, I know. Eth if you're getting scared I'm gonna leave you again, I promise it's okay. I love you no matter what."

Fuck. She wasn't supposed to be nice about it. Shit.

"N-no, that's not it, I just...fuck..." He sighed before starting again. "Meek, I'm sorry. I just...I don't know, it's been hard for me to do this recently."

"Do what, love?" she asked, a confused expression on her face. Fuck.

"I don't know, I just...I feel like my feelings are fading and I don't want to lose you, I don't, but it's just..." he took a deep breath. "I met someone."

Mika nodded in understanding. This was a breakup.

"A-and he's really nice, and he gets me, and-"

"It's Mark, isn't it?" Mika cut him off. Well then, so much for subtlety.

Ethan nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact.

"Alright, that's fine. I'll be out by morning." She said simply, walking away.

Little did he know, she was calling Amy.


Mark and Ethan were together now. They lived together, Ethan letting Mark move in with him as Amy had kicked him out. Things were going well.

Until Mark noticed a camera flash while he was cuddling with Ethan.

Normally, he'd brush it off as a crazy fan butting into their lives, but this was bad.

He'd been caught with Ethan. And god forbid any fan found out about them.

He slowly maneuvered his way out of Ethan's grasp, walking outside to where he saw the flash. He was expecting a normal, "Hey can you please delete that this is private."

What he wasn't expecting was to see Amy and Mika in the bushes.

"Hey, listen thi- Amy?!"

Amy shot up from where she was standing. "Uh, hi?"

"What the fuck! Go the fuck away! This is creepy shit you're doing!"

Amy simply shrugged. "Payback is payback, Markimoo. And I'm going to give you the same fucking feeling you gave me when you left me for that dumbass twink."

Mark couldn't process this. It was like midnight, he just wanted to go to bed. "Amy, I-I'm sorry, but I can't really help how I feel, I told you that."

"And? I would've expected a nicer fucking breakup, Fischbach!"

"What do you want from me!?"

"I want you to care, goddamnit!"

Mark didn't know what to say. He just stood there. Had he been too harsh?

"C'mon Meeks, I'm tired of this shit."


Mika stood up slower than Amy, obviously feeling a bit more guilty. "Hey..."

"Don't feel bad for them, they fucking hurt us!" Amy snapped.

Mika looked down. "It's like Mark said, they can't control it...feelings are feelings..."

"Are you joking? This was your idea!"

"Well, now that I see how happy they are, I...I feel bad."

"Whatever. Did you post the picture or not?"

"Yeah, I did."

"WHAT!? Delete it, now Mika!" Mark looked terrified for just a moment, but he turned his expression to one of anger instead.

"I can't, already logged out of the account, and Amy made up the password."

Mark frowned, taking a deep breath. "Look, just...just go. Don't keep this up, it''s an invasion of privacy and it's fucked up. I need to go, I need to...I-I need to talk to Ethan." And with that, he ran off and into the house.


Ethan had overhead everything through the window. He was fucking terrified. They have to...they have to come out now, right? They can't just...act like nothing happened, that's some bullshit. He looked at Twitter. His timeline was filled with the picture. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Mark came in, knocking slowly on the door as he still thought Ethan was asleep. "Eth, are you awake?" He looked shocked for a moment as he saw Ethan crying at the window. "Hey, hey hey hey, it's alright, don't cry. We'll get through this, okay? It's gonna be okay." he said as he picked up Ethan slowly, carrying him to the bed and sitting down with him.

"B-but...but now we have to-"

"I know sweetheart, but there's nothing we can do now. The damage is done. But now we gotta clean it up, okay? We can make a video about it in the morning, same video on both of our channels. If that's alright with you, of course. But for right now, let's just go to bed. It's late."

Ethan nodded slowly, sniffling before curling up in a ball under the covers, with Mark holding him close.


"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today we need to just sit down, and have a discussion"

"What is up my cranky crew, its Ethan from Crankgameplays, and today, we need to talk."

"You see..."

"I'm gay."

"-I identify as bisexual-"

"And we're together."

WC: 860

bro this fic was so much fun to write, i really like it aksljkf

also i have no clue how to write amy n mika so forgive me for that lmao but this idea was requested by @SirSingsAlot ! i really liked the idea so i wroted it (that was wrong on purpose) and i think it turned out pretty nice!

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