xxviii. by his side

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disclaimer: i do not know anything
about medicine, so things are probably stretched so that it fits the story.
although, i did my best to research so i'm pretty sure that this is okay.

Jeongguk was lost.

He didn't know what to do. How was he supposed to take in such a matter? He was still in denial, this couldn't be happening.

It felt different. All his life, he was used to others giving him things, all he did was to just take and take. It felt new to actually lose something. Well, potentially, that is.

He sighed heavily, with sad eyes, he stared at the pink haired who laid on the bed. Taehyung looked so beautiful, so pretty and so serene. Yet, his pale body worried him to no end.

His lips weren't the same cherry red, his cheeks weren't flushed pink, he was so pale. Jeongguk had his hand within his, caressing it ever so softly.

As he eyed the unconscious pink haired, he couldn't help but think back to a few moments ago.

Elder Han had came out of the door after a few hours, Jeongguk and the others immediately running to him. The devil had eyed the demon's sad expression, his gut clenching uncomfortably.

"How is he?" Jeongguk had asked with worry, jumping to the point with no second thought. Elder Han had sighed loudly, the devil not liking it whatsoever.

Elder Han had smiled apologetically at him causing his eyes to burn. He had bit back his tears, wanting to hear the demon's explanation before jumping to conclusions.

They had stayed silent for a moment, the atmosphere around them so thick it was suffocating. Jeongguk had gulped down the lump in his throat, his fists clenching tightly.

"Taehyung's.. fine, I suppose." The demon had spoken after a few seconds of silence. The devil had heaved a small sigh of relief, his fists easing ever so lightly.

"What do you mean by that?" He had asked the Elder. Instead of answering, the aforementioned demon had opened the door, gesturing for them to come in. They had entered swiftly, wanting to see Taehyung as soon as possible.

Jeongguk had felt his whole body ease seeing that Taehyung was fine. A small smile had settled on his lips when he noticed how peaceful he looked. Yet that guilty feeling still weighed him down when he had seen the large patch of blood on the pink haired's clothes.

"He's fine as you can see. But.." Elder Han had paused, glancing at Jeongguk with a look of worry. He had cleared his throat, the tension thick in the room. "There's no telling when he'll wake up." He had continued. Jeongguk's world had immediately stopped at the information.

It was then when every single moments with Taehyung vividly flashed before his eyes as if they were tattooed to the skin of the back of his eyelids. There had been a lone tear that escaped his eye, slowly cascading down his cheek.

"His body is extremely weak. It was hard to even take the bullet out of his chest without him losing so much blood." Elder Han had stated, filling them in with information that terribly broke them. "If his body wasn't so weak, I'm sure he would've woken up within a few days. But I'm afraid that his weak body doesn't have enough energy to wake up."

The room had fallen silent once again, Jeongguk thought for ways that could possibly wake Taehyung up. Once he had an idea in mind, he snapped his gaze to Elder Han.

"Can't we ask Asclepius to heal him? Even though he's from Olympus, I can make it work, as long as it's for Taehyung." He had asked so desperately, looking at Elder Han with big begging eyes.

The aforementioned demon had shook his head, causing Jeongguk's hopeful expression to fall. "I'm afraid not, sire. Even when I gave him blood using my power, he barely took it. Using powers on a weak human body isn't the best idea, sire." He had explained to the ravenette.

Jeongguk had hung his head low, he was the reason for Taehyung's weak state after all. If only he had spent more time with him instead of some whore, then none of this would've happened.

But it was all too late. There was no use in beating himself up for it. He had to be strong for Taehyung. He can't just wallow in self hatred the whole time, he had to do something, for Taehyung.

If Taehyung was too weak to fight for himself, then he'd fight for him.

"Elder Han, if I stay by his side, that should restore his energy back, yes?" He had asked with determination, shocking Elder Han and the others. They had smiled at him as Elder Han nodded his head.

Back to the present, Jeongguk lifted his hand up, brushing a few strands of pink hair away from Taehyung's face. He stared longingly at him, bringing up the hand held by his. He kissed it ever so softly, his lips staying against the smooth skin for a little too long.

The others had already left a while ago. They reminded him to rest before they headed out. He had only given them a nod, a white lie. He wasn't letting Taehyung out of his sight.

He brought his hand up again, caressing Taehyung's cheeks. He traced every single feature of the pink haired, from his forehead, eyelids, long pretty lashes, cute straight nose and to his beautiful soft lips.

Jeongguk sighed heavily as he memorized Taehyung's face, wanting to engrave it to his brain and heart. He found it easy to do so, for he already had the pink haired attached to his mind and heart.

A frown made its way to his red lips when he rested his head against the soft bed, it was quite hard to do so, because he was sitting on a chair beside the bed and his back was tilted in a weird angle.

He wondered how and when everything went so wrong. Ahn Yumejin was out of the way, he just had to actually kill him which would be easy. Taehyung was fine.. he just needed to rest well so he could wake up. Jeongguk believed that his pretty boy will soon wake up, he truly did.

However, there was still Minthe in the picture. He had to get rid of her, fast. It was obvious that she was trying to be out of his sight, since he hasn't seen her since her daring talk.

They had planned to stalk Minthe and gather information without getting noticed. With that gathered information, they could hopefully form a perfect plan to sabotage whatever Minthe was trying to do.

But he shouldn't worry about that for now, all he needed to focus on was Taehyung and only Taehyung.

Though against his statement that he wouldn't sleep, his eyelids began to feel extremely heavy due to fatigue. He sighed, still staring at Taehyung.

"Petal," He called out in a whisper, not even expecting an answer. He grabbed Taehyung's hand and caressed it. "I'm sorry. I apologise for everything I did. But I know that an apology isn't enough, so when you wake up, I'll make it up to you, I promise." He whispered, only for him to hear as a tear escaped from his eye.

He kissed Taehyung's hand and smiled softly. "So wake up already, hm? But I understand if you need more time to rest, it's okay, petal." Jeongguk let out so softly, staring at Taehyung as if he really was having a conversation with him.

He leaned in, planting a soft kiss on Taehyung's forehead and whispered, "I'll be here, always by your side."


a/n: be ready for the comeback, amiii. our goal is 100 million views and 10 million likes within the first 24 hours! so many fandoms are teaming up against us, they plan on mass disliking the dynamite MV and streaming other songs to prevent BTS from topping the chart. please don't let that happen and let's do our best! our boys deserve this for their hard work. fighting, ARMY!

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