xi. lowly creature

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Clinks of spoon and fork against metal plates and low chatters engulfed the beings present at the dining table. Although there was one thing Taehyung wouldn't fail to notice, the atmosphere.

The room was enveloped in an awkward and tensed atmosphere. It could almost choke and kill Taehyung on the spot. Perhaps he was the only one that felt this. Because the demons conversed normally. The pink haired male gulped and stared at his plate.

Unknowingly, he started to play with his food. The gesture caught someone's attention. Minthe furrowed her brows, her face showed disgust.

"What the hell? You're so fucking disgusting!" The whole table glanced at Minthe because of her sudden outburst. Taehyung, with widened eyes, glared at the nymph.

Once the demons followed the nymph's harsh gaze, everyone stared at Taehyung. And god, oh god the stares. The pink haired male turned his hands into fists, his head ducked down. Anxiety flowed through his veins, he never liked being the center of attention.

Seokjin cleared his throat, his right brow comically twitched in irritation. "Ah dear, calm down will you? I think Taehyung just has no appetite." His soft voice disgustingly fake. It was clear that he gave all of his will not to slap Minthe then and there.

"What?! Shut the fuck up! He's so fucking disgusting! Just look at him! A lowly human like him shouldn't be here!" Minthe retorted, her voice so high-pitched the demons were afraid their glasses of wine would break.

Though what she said was wrong. Her lips formed into a thin line. Clearly, she knew her mistake. The only thing she could do now was pray that the pink haired male wouldn't be so smart.

A smirk made its way to Taehyung's pink plump lips. His head was still ducked down, his smirking lips visible to others. He looked so eerie. As if he was also a demon, but the thing is, he wasn't.

Minthe never fails to piss him off. Every time the nymph opens her mouth, a strange feeling of anger rises into Taehyung's body. It was as if Minthe was bringing his inner demons out.

The pink haired male lifted his head, a sinister smirk plastered on his pretty lips. "A lowly human?" He scoffed in disbelief, his voice dripped with venom. The human rolled his eyes. Thank god he spent so many times at the library.

"Oh please, don't say such things when you're lower than me, you piece of trash. Did you really think I wouldn't know? I'm sorry but clearly, I'm not an idiot like you." Taehyung finished off with a sickeningly sweet smile. His voice was like poison with each word. He himself was amazed at how brave and sassy he sounded. He stood up from his seat with a stone face.

Everyone was shocked. The pink haired male didn't miss the way the king's eyes widened and how his cupid lips soon turned into a smirk. It was as if the devil was proud of him. Of course that would be absurd, but Taehyung had a tad bit more of confidence because of what he did so it would only be fair to think that Jeongguk was amazed and proud of him.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I don't want to eat anymore." Taehyung bowed a little towards the other demons and scurried out of the dining room. Once his feet stepped out of the said room, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. His brows furrowed in confusion, how did he do that?

Taehyung was never the type to fight back. When kids in school bullied him, he would only look down and mutter a small apology. He accepted all of the harsh words, all of the kicks and punches. He accepted every single cruel thing bestowed upon him.

And yet here he was, spitting fire.

The pink haired male sighed and ran to his room. He opened the door and barged inside. Taehyung let out a shaky exhale as he slid down the door. He was shocked to say the least. He didn't want to be rude to anyone. He was always nice. Perhaps he did that because clearly, Minthe deserved none of his kindness.

He placed his trembling hands against his chest, feeling his heart thump loudly. He remembered the way Jeongguk looked at him. The way he stared at him with such amusement. It bloomed a feeling of satisfaction inside the human's chest. What was this feeling?

Perhaps he felt so good to show Jeongguk that he was more than what he thought. That he wasn't a weak little pest. Or perhaps it was because of another reason that he didn't know.

A sudden knock on the door startled Taehyung. He flinched and quickly stood up. His hands gripped the cold metal of the door knob and he twisted it open.

Seokjin stood before him with a tray of food. The demon smiled lightly at him. "Can I come in?" He asked softly, his voice wary as if he didn't want to anger the human even more. Taehyung sighed lightly and nodded his head. He was quite surprised to see the other here.

Seokjin placed the tray of food on his bedside table. He sat down on the bed and patted the space next to him, beckoning Taehyung to sit beside him. The human did and eyed the demon.

"I brought food since you didn't eat that much." The demon started with a soft smile on his plump lips. Taehyung nodded his head and uttered a small 'thank you'.

The demon cleared his throat and his expression suddenly turned serious. Taehyung gulped at this, was he going to scold him?

"Taehyung listen, I like what you did back there and I think I know why you did that. Don't let Minthe over power you, okay? Show that nymph her proper place. Also, you shouldn't let her be with Jeongguk. I know you were born to be with the king as his lover, so don't let Minthe take your place. Your reaction clearly shows your fate. The reason for your sudden anger towards Minthe is because you don't like her being too close to Jeongguk. It's natural for you to react that way. None of this is a coincidence, kid. This is your destiny. Taehyung, you were born for the devil, alright?" With a pat on his shoulder, the demon stood up and left the room.

Taehyung sat on the bed wide eyed, baffled and shock at the information he just received.


a/n: i'm sorry for not updating sooner! writer's block sucks. anyway, i hope you liked the chapter! don't forget to vote if you did :)

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