Don't fucking cry!Don't fucking cry!

"It's always my fucking fault isn't it?" He hissed. Tobi stepped closer to me, his face closely looking down at mines. "-maybe you should ask that freak and your pathetic shit of a friend." He whispered.

My breath hitched.

What was that supposed to mean?

Tobi stared menacing down at me, no form of love or affection showing on his face, it seem to disappear.

Blake stepped in pushing him away. "Fuck off Tobi, you're drunk!"

I almost forgot that she was here.

Tobi laughed as he stumbled back, looking at me in disappointment. "I thought you came to apologize but you're here fucking accusing me of things! Maybe you should look at who's really close to you Genesis." He suggested venomously.

Did he mean Blake?

His voiced began to penetrate the air causing the crowd of people to look onto our little argument. I nervously averted my gaze not wanting the attention.

"That's enough Tobias!"

Blake grabbed my arm, trying to drag me away, not wanting to draw anymore attention. "you don't need this." She told me.

Tobi continued to laugh. "-it's fine if you don't believe me darling heart!" He threw his hands in the air as if daringly drawing more attention to himself and me. He wanted the crowd to watch, he wanted to embarrass me.

Blake pulled me away and my eyes reluctantly turned away from him as we retreated. I still could hear him shouting profanities from a distance. I wasn't expecting the conversation to go left so quick.

What did I do him?

Did Jenna me Blake knew something they wasn't letting me on?

"I knew this was a bad idea." Blake mumbled as we made our way to the parking lot"—-what an asshole. Are you okay?" She looked at me her face searching mines in compassion.

There was no way Blake would betray me.

"I'm fine." I lied.

Blake and I arrived to the Jeep shortly and she opened it, helping me inside.

"I'm going to get Jenna." She said, giving me a once over. "I'll be right back."

I nodded not being able to get any words out, still a bit flustered after the encounter. I was confused and a bit hurt. No one was telling me anything, and the first bit of information I got just left a big hole in everything I thought I was. Was I even the victim? The thought that me being the one to hurt someone didn't even cross my mind. Nothing just was making sense anymore.

Just who the hell was I?

On the ride home, the car was silent. I assumed Blake filled Jenna in on what happened because she didn't ask me anything. I appreciated it, because I didn't know what to say. My emotion was unstable at this point and Tobi's words just kept on playing in my head. I was trying to figure this out in the dark and something just told me that I wasn't going to get very far with this.

When I got home I only made it to the steps. I was reluctant to go inside so I just nervously walked back and forth on the steps.I wasn't in the mood to see my parents. It would've made things worse.

Instead I decided to just sit there, I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. The swell of emotions began to over take my body and I began to take in long breaths. Tobi's words began to flood my mind and I began thinking about my lost memories. I was never going to be same and I never was going to figure out what exactly was going on.

Soon I felt the hot tears hitting my arms.

I began to sob quietly.

I felt so confused. So lost and so alone. No one understood what was happening to me. I wasn't sure what to do. Maybe it was best that  I just let this go-

"Why you crying princess?" The deep breathy voice of a stranger mumbled.

The hairs on my back immediately stood at attention and I raised my head up slowly trying to find the source of the voice. The dimly lit porch light gave me a good look at the emerald eyes gazing at me.

I jerked back surprised by his presence.

Was he here the whole time?

His brooding aroma caught me off guard, my normal reaction would've been to retreat but my body was frozen.

There he was again, leaning against the wooden gate, a cigarette, sitting between his full lips, watching me carefully, taking in my messy appearance.

How could someone be so good looking and incredibly creepy?

"Who are you?" My voiced cracked.


Goodnight readers!!

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