Fuck that.

"I'm going to drop you." He states, releasing his hands around her waist. She clung to him harder.

Fuck. That could be me right now, with those delicious looking arms wrapped around me. I wouldn't let go.

"Let her go Brady. I'll give her a taste of cream she'll never forget."

He wrapped his arms back around her and stomped away. It's so fun, fucking with his head. Laughing I jog to catch up.

I'm getting hard thinking of this woman. I'm sure Brady can smell how much I want her and it's pissing him off more. Good.

Maybe it's not such a bad-! Nope. I don't fucking share.

'Go ahead of us.' Wolves around us dispersed as I speak through the mindlink.

"Awww don't do that. Please Jax, Don't drop meee." Maze pouts. Fucking adorable. Thick lips would look great on my dick.

"Don't worry honey I'll catch you." I wink at her. The blush on her face makes me want to bite my damn knuckles.

What is with this chick?

"Keep your dick away from her Kincaid."

"Looks like she hasn't ridden yours yet Brady. Don't claim things that aren't yours."

"Boys, boys... plenty of me to go around." She states nuzzling the fuckers neck.

"No." We state together. I chuckled. Brady looks pissed that he agreed with me. First time for everything I suppose.

"Awwww." Maze snuggled closer to the moody fuck.

"Don't do that if you're going to go fuck other people." Brady stated. "Especially this fuckface. He's been known to leave women wanting." He glared at me before stroking her hair. It's straightened, glossy and a soft black color. I bet her hair smells fucking delicious.

"It does asshat. Back off." He hissed.

I nearly stumbled.

Did she... get under his skin? He'd read that little tid-bit from my eyes and answered.

No one ruffles Jaxon Brady's proverbial feathers.

I've tried for years.

Fuckers a stone wall with the amount of emotion he lacks. No way through.

If he wasn't such a broody bastard I might have liked him as a friend.

I won't share chicks with him though.

Hard line.

"Don't get possessive." She whispered softly.

Possessive over a chick? Brady?! We're still talking about the same guy right? This guy doesn't give a fuck about anyone who isn't family. Only about objects he thinks are his. He's not looking at her like she's an object though. He's got that look.

Like he's a fucking fish and her hooks are in deep.

Fuck that white noise. I'd peel away and go back if I didn't have to meet with the Alpha.

"I'm not. You run away again and I'm not going to chase you."

He fucking chased her... must be serious.

I suddenly lose the desire to fuck her. Maybe it's the lack of touch. More likely it's the need to fuck with Brady's head more. I chuckle.

This is going to be fuuuun.

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