Chapter 1: School is Gehenna on Assiah

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Keith's POV
Once again I'm back at this place where Gehenna is less frightening. School. It's been two years and I'm the best pilot at this school for my age. There's this one kid, Griffin, who gets on my nerves. I have had to dye my hair black because blue and white hair is uncommon in this part of the world. Today when I got home Shiro and Adam weren't talking to each other. I decided to break the silence.

"Okay what happened between you two gays?" I ask them.

"He has no regards for his health. He's going on the Kerberos mission," Adam says.

"It's what I've been training for my whole life, Adam," Takashi said.

They started arguing and I left to my room to do school work. Yeah Rin Okumura doing homework, well being in Gehenna for four years does that to you. Once I'm done with that I think about Japan. I wonder how everyone is doing? I then hear the doorbell ring. I am guessing Takashi went to answer it cause I heard talking, but here's the thing. I think I could recognize the voice so I decided to go out and to my surprise it was Matt, Mr. Holt, and .... ShImA?!? When they see me everyone addresses me as Keith, but Shima just stared at me.

"Keith, this is the crew for the Kerberos mission. You know Matt and Sam, but here's extraterrestrial informant Shima. Shima, this is my friend Keith" Shiro said.

I just stared at him. I had always thought there was something fishy with the space programs.

"Nice to meet you Shima," I say extended my hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you as well Keith. I hope we can get along while we're still on Earth," He says as he takes my hand and shakes it.

With that introduction out of the way I felt a huge weight off my chest. Shima has always been the most perspective of their cram school group, so if he could fool Shima he could fool anyone of his old friends from cram school.

"So Shima, where are you from? You don't seem to be a native of the States?" Adam asked him.

"Well I'm a transfer from Japan as one of their best technicians and extraterrestrial experts. That's why they sent me here. No one has gone out as far as Kerberos, so we're hoping to find something out there." He answers nonchalantly.

Though I know better. The Illuminati has some information they need from there. It's Mephy's territory, so there can be something to gain from exploring that territory. If I remember correctly Luci said something at a family dinner once of exploring the territory. I honestly swear they almost fought right in front of father. Though I had to smack both of them in the back of their heads to get them to stop fighting.

", Keith... KEITH!" Takashi was yelling at me.

"Sorry, did I space out?" I asked

"Yeah, what got you so lost in thought?"

"Just remembering the fun times with my dad. Nothing really important." I say with a calm face.

"Alright." Takashi said.

(Weird switch to third person for some reason)

With that the group got back to the conversation. They stayed for a few hours until it started to get dark. The group needed to head back to the dorms. Leaving Shiro, Adam, and Keith in the apartment the three shared. Keith was reclusive from them as he was still dealing from seeing Shima, though if Shima didn't recognize him then any person from Gehenna, the Illuminati, or True Cross wouldn't be able to find out that he was Rin.

After a few hours of staying in his room Keith went to the kitchen to eat and finish up his homework. He then went to bed because he had the garrison in the morning and he had a test.

Though for the demon king of darkness there is no true rest. When he closed his eyes he drifted away into the land of memories and sometimes future. The first thing he saw was his first training session in Ghenna. It was brutal training with Iblis was nothing like training with Shura. Though once he was well trained with Iblis he was given a trainer or more of a babysitter that was one of Samael's kin. Then the scene changed. It was of five bright streaks of light in the sky that were converging together.

Keith awoke with a jump. His arm kinda hurt as phantom pains from the strenuous training that he was put through. He sat in his bed for what felt like hours. The clock on his bedside table ticked down the seconds until the blaring sound rang throughout his room. Time for school.

Every day is the same since returning from Gehenna. Wake up, take a shower, check hair for any spots of natural color showing through, touch up hair, get ready, skip breakfast, and head to school. Unlike normal Shiro was still asleep. Which meant he would go to the Garrison by himself. When he got there James Griffin started to poke at Keith. Though he had to keep himself in check and not deck the poor kid. Though around the campus everyone was buzzing because in a few days the Kerberos mission would start.

"Well, well if it isn't the orphan freak." One of the older pilots in training said, poking him in the head.

"Leave me alone. I'm just trying to study." He said back smacking his upperclassman's hand away.

"You're a little fiesty today, Kogane. Why don't we teach you your place. We're your seniors after all." Another student said, dragging Keith to the bathroom.

Books and bags are completely forgotten. Once they get to the bathroom the older students grab his hair and start to force his face into one of the toilets nearby. Keith knows he should retaliate, but the demon in him always wanted to put the upperclassmen in their places. Breaking free of their grip, he turns around and punches everyone square jaw. Successfully knocking everyone out.

Slightly staggering towards the door, Keith turns to look at everyone on the floor. Flames that haven't been lit in a while flare up.

"Students like you make this place Gehenna on Earth."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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