Chapter 33: The Temple Hangar Bombing

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Weeks went by, and O-Mer and I were sent to many different planets to fight against the Separatists. The Jedi Council did nothing about it when Obi-Wan and I informed them, making me frustrated. The Council believed that the Senate would avoid helping a neutral planet like Mandalore. Currently, I was in the Jedi Temple, teaching some of the younglings along with O-Mer. We were in the sparring room, teaching them some lightsaber techniques. I had covered up my right arm up with a black glove. Anakin had tinkered with my arm, upgrading it like he had done with his arm.

"Now that you all have your lightsabers we will show you how to use them." I mentioned. "No matter what, you want to keep your concentration. The moment you lose your concentration it will be fatal."

At that moment, we heard a loud explosion. I could sense confusion throughout the entire temple. O-Mer and the younglings looked over at me. Fear was written all over their faces. 

"It's all right." I assured them. "Younglings, why don't you return to your rooms." 

After we escorted them to their rooms, we returned to the sparring room. Not long after we returned, Obi-Wan rushed into the room with a worried look. "Iretia, are you all right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm all right." 

O-Mer crossed his arms. "I'm all right as well. Thanks for asking."

"O-Mer and I were training the younglings when we heard the explosion. They were terrified, so I thought it would be better if they returned to their rooms." I explained.

"What happened?" O-Mer asked. 

"The hangar was bombed." Obi-Wan informed us.

My eyes widened at his words. "What? How? Why?"

"I don't have all the details, but Master Yoda contacted Anakin and Ahsoka." Obi-Wan mentioned. 

At that moment, Obi-Wan's comlink went off. We heard Master Windu's voice. "Obi-Wan, we need you in the Council chambers. We're about to have a meeting."

 "I'm on my way." Obi-Wan replied. 

Once his comlink was off, Obi-Wan turned back towards me. "I'll let you know if I discover anything new."

"Be careful, Obi." I urged. 

"You too, Tia." Obi-Wan replied with a smile.

With that, Obi-Wan took off. Once he left, I noticed O-Mer with a smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow. "What's with that look?"

"What's going on between you and Master Kenobi?" O-Mer asked.

Upon hearing his words, I let out a nervous laugh. "What...there's nothing going on between Obi-Wan and me?"

O-Mer narrowed his eyes. "Uh huh, right. Keep telling yourself that, Master." 

"It's true, O-Mer." I protested. 

"Oh yeah, sure. I definitely believe you." O-Mer retorted, rather sarcastically. 

I groaned, placing a hand on my forehead. This is going to be a long day...


The day went by and Anakin and Ahsoka were ordered to investigate who bombed the Jedi Temple hangar along with the help of Russo, a Crime Scene Analyzer droid. I discovered from Obi-Wan that Letta Turmond, wife of Jackar Bowmani, who was a worker in the Jedi Hangar, fed nano-droids to Jackar. Therefore he was the bomb that exploded in the hangar. Letta was being held in a cell in the Jedi Temple before Tarkin and the Republic moved her over to the military base.

Unfortunately I couldn't do anything. Currently I was with Anakin and Ahsoka in the Chamber of Judgement. Ahsoka would face the Jedi Masters just like I did. I hoped she would have better luck than I did. Anakin paced around the room near the Temple guards, while Ahsoka and I sat on the bench. 

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