Tomorrow's Hero

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After the written portion of the exam the students of class 1A found themselves standing in front of the teachers of UA

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After the written portion of the exam the students of class 1A found themselves standing in front of the teachers of UA.
Toya stared with sparkly eyes at the group in front of him, never getting to experience this level of happiness.
Some of the greatest heroes right in front of him, he was practically wiggling in his hero suit when Tokoyami stopped beside him with a small smile.
However that all changed once their Principle explained the reason for the heroes coming together.
"However, due to the uneven numbers we brought in another hero. One known to most, the number two hero Endeavor." At the sight of the fire hero Toya couldn't help but tense up realizing Endeavors eyes were fixated on him.
As the teams were called out Toya didn't feel any surprise once he was set to fight Endeavor alone.
The class couldn't help but tense up as they looked between the sweet Toya and the firm look of Endeavor.
Katsuki was quick to stop his brother before he got onto the bus, his eyes trained on the number two hero.
"Don't go easy on him, he doesn't deserve mercy." With that he made his way over to his own bus and Toya found himself sitting silently by himself.
Endeavor was silent as they made their way into their own special arena, where Toya found himself in an all iron room that had a large door on the other side with Endeavor standing firmly in the middle.
His eyes were trained on Toya who was curiously looking around before noticing some strange cuff like things on the ground.
"Oh, am I suppose to wear those?" Toya asked but Endeavor just continued to watch the boy not responding.
At the sound of the test starting Toya looked at Endeavor in slight confusion,"I'm sorry sir but what should I-"
"I know who you are." At those words Toya tensed up, his eyes wide as he stared at the man in front of him.
He noticed the flaming beard flickered with what seemed to be anger, but could have been Endeavors way of trying to appear intimidating.
"Toya Akuma, it took a while to figure it out. You were the boy from so long ago, I didn't think anything of it until you ignored my invitation and went back to your home." As Endeavor spoke he seemed to get larger as Toya curled in on himself, his blue eyes staring up at the man in slight aprehensión.
"I decided to come here to see your true intentions, because if it turns out your the one who told the league of villains where your class went to. I will have you destroyed." Toya tensed up slightly, his eyes flickering over to the camera that seemed to be watching them.
"Don't worry, they can't hear us. I wanted this to between us." And just like that Endeavor moved.
Toya jerked to the left making sure his bandaged arm was kept out of the way of the fire, he spun his staff and as he moved the fire seemed to follow.
Blue eyes seemed to harden as he continued to fight the larger man, dodging blasts of flames. He used wind to shoot himself high in the air, then jerked backwards when Endeavor was quick to follow using his fire to blast him up into the air.
Suddenly a fist landed in Toya's gut, causing the small boy to blast down into the ground. Spittle fell from his lips as he rolled across the ground, his back hitting what looked like strange cuffs.
Toya noticed another fist heading for his head and grabbing the cuffs he ducked underneath the fist, quick to wrap one cuff around the wrist of Endeavor.
Infuriated the larger man head butted the boy, sending him stumbling backwards as blood spewed from his nose.
No mercy.
Toya's eyes flashed open as he stared at the man before him, suddenly he let out a cry as his fingers began to glow a shade of gold. Wind whipped around his face causing his pale blonde hair to blast back, tears fell gently from his eyes as he stared down at the man before him.
Endeavor noticed the ground began to bend upwards in strange angles, when suddenly the metal gave way and trees bursted through the ground all around the man.
Toya threw his bandaged arm in the air, wind whipping around it caused the bandages to fall away showing vines tightly wrapped together to look like an arm. Fingers were claw like as they were still being shaped to the right length and figure of his body.
But now they were brilliantly green and Endeavor noticed what looked like black shadows flickering in the palm of the boys hand.
Toya stared down at the male, his pale blue eyes holding a darkness not usually seen as flames whipped through the air swirling into the black flickering shadow in his vine palm.
Next water followed, then air before earth broke from the ground and small rocks and particles also made its way into the shadow in his palm.
Endeavor began to build up fire, but it was quick whipped away by the wind swirling around Toya.  He grit his teeth at the realization his quirk couldn't help him much in this situation, but never one to give up the man moved to attack.

However, Toya had other plans and with that the boy pulled his arm back and shot forward the black bundle of shadows seeming to pulse and swirl in his hand. Black lightening crackling from the fire of the black shadow, Endeavor tensed up in preparation for the incoming attack but...nothing happened.
He opened his eyes to see Toya floating silently in front of him staring at the black orb in his vine made palm before looking at Endeavor.
"Everyone deserves mercy." With that he closed raised his hand and the black orb slowly floated up into the sky above the room, Endeavor noticing for the first time at some point the roof had been torn away by the high winds.
The orb floated up into the clouds before Toya slowly closed his fingers, Endeavor watched with wide eyes as the black orb seemed to curl into itself before disappearing with a crack.
Was that all?
Almost as if to mock Endeavors thought the place the black orb had been bursted out, black particles shot out as what sounded like the loudest thunder blasted the clouds away. Endeavor stumbled slightly from the blast created by the wind, his eyes wide as he saw the sky seem to suddenly change before soon enough it began to rain above their arena.
"You know...people's pasts don't necessarily create the person at present. As people we can grow and change for the worst, or the better." As Toya spoke to the shocked Hero he gently placed the other cuff around the number two heroes wrist.

"This is an announcement the first "team" to pass is Toya Bakugo!!"

All around the fields Toya's classmates couldn't help but freeze at the realization that Toya 1A's mascot had beat the number two hero.

We will make you proud!!
Many were invigorated by this announcement, moving forward to fight against the heroes of today, to become the heroes for tomorrow.

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