Nature Cafe

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Once again Toya found himself sitting in class as Aizawa spoke to the class on the upcoming finals and trip that they were to take in order to get stronger

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Once again Toya found himself sitting in class as Aizawa spoke to the class on the upcoming finals and trip that they were to take in order to get stronger.
He gently ran his fingers over a ripe tomato before gently plucking it from the plant after thanking George silently.
His eyes fell on his brother and he watched as the hot headed boy was tricked into helping Kirishima.
Soon enough it was lunch time and Toya found himself sitting beside Izuku as the seats near his brother seemed to fill up quickly.
He was listening to his peers talk about the test when an elbow smacked the back of his head, instantly he spun around with wide eyes.
The table fell silent as a strange boy with blonde hair and a strangely blank smile.
"Ah, Sorry my tray just couldn't get around that big head of yours..." the male trailed off as he saw the tiny admonition of tears in the younger boys eyes.
"Hey?! Why are you tearing up? Aren't you suppose to be the smartest in 1A? Toya Bakugo?!" The male seemed put off by Toya's demeanor when he felt a dark figure appear behind him. He spun around to see the angry glare of Katsuki Bakugo.
"Touch him again and I'll kill you." As he spoke another figure sat beside Toya drawing his attention away to notice Tokoyami glaring up at the student of 1B, dark shadow peaking over his shoulder with a dark scowl as well.
Toya couldn't help but giggle at the antics of his brother and friends before he looked up at the blank looking blonde, "Hello, it's fine. I'm sure it was an accident. I'm Toya Bakugo it's nice to meet you."
The blank boy stared at Toya for a long second before falling back into his planned routine, "I guess the sports festival wasn't enough, you just keep getting attention with one stunt after another, huh Class A?" At his clearly mocking voice Toya winced at the next part, "But it looks like the attention is all it's cracked up to be, it's starting to get dangerous, right? Pretty scary! I'm just worried that one of these days, we're gonna get caught up in your antics! Scary..." as Toya contemplated this he felt chills cover his body.
Am I the reason the class is being attacked? What if I'm the reason they could get hurt...
Just like that Toya once again found himself anxiously pulling at his pants as he looked at the ground.
A pale hand gently touching his own and squeezing brought his attention up and to Tokoyami who gave him a gentle smile, causing Toya to blush slightly.
"It's okay, whatever it is your going through. Know I'll always be here for you." Toya stared at the dark boy in front of him before smiling softly at him.
"Your amazing, you know." At that Tokoyami's feather ruffled and he seemed to blush as he chuckled deeply.
" you wanna study together? F-For the exam?" At the sound of his first name Tokoyami's feathers practically became fur as they poofed out before he got to his feet.
The bird boy seemed to draw the attention of his classmates but he didn't noticed as he righted his feathers and fixing his tie before kneeling down in front of Toya, his red eyes suddenly serious as he took the other boys hands.
"It would be an honor."
The class seemed to gape at the flushed face of Toya and the overall seriousness of the twos position.
A few girls in the classroom instantly fell on the wrong conclusion but having heard the two's conversation Katsuki found himself analyzing Tokoyami before giving his nod of approval and moving away.

Later the next day Toya found himself in a yellow sweater over a white button up shirt and a mid length pastel blue skirt and his Pokémon pink backpack with Pokémon pins placed all over it.
He stared down at his black leather loafers with a slight platform as he waited outside the cafe the two had agreed upon. Toya hummed ignoring the strange looks he was getting, especially since one of his arms was completely covered in bandages, and his cheeks had tiny Pokémon bandaids on them.
As the sight of black shoes stopping in front of his own he looked up to notice a very human face of Fumikage Tokoyami smiling down at him.
The boy was wearing his hair spiked back from his face with a red choker that covered his hole neck, that led into a oversized black hoodie and black jeans.
"Ah, am I too brightly colored?" Toya looked down at his outfit suddenly feeling self conscious of being so colorful beside Tokoyami who was extremely dark natured.
"Ah, no it's fine I'm used to it." Tokoyami gave a small smile and Toya noticed how his ears that seemed so delicate were pointed at the tips.
"This is the cafe you recommended?" Tokoyami asked looking up at the cafe which seemed to overcome with nature, flowers and plants growing throughout the windows.
The door was open and the smell of coffee and sweets wafted out into the lazy street they were on.
"Yes, they have amazing deserts. There is this apple tart I think you ." Toya spoke admiringly he led the other boy inside, his hands clutching the straps of his book bag as they walked.
"How did you know I like apples?" At the sound of Tokoyami's curious voice the shorter boy spun around with wide eyes.
"I-I haven't been watching you or anything! If thats What your thinking!" Suddenly the shorter boy was squirming slightly as his cheeks turned red. "I just noticed with all of your lunches you always had an apple."
Tokoyami stared at the boy with soft eyes before gently moving forward to gently move the shorter males bangs out of his eyes.
"Your hair has grown a lot, I like it." With that he moved over to a completely wooden table with chairs made of tree trunks and sat his backpack down beside him.
Toya took a second before following, his cheeks red as he sat across from the boy clad in black.
Soon enough a waitress showed up to take their order, and Toya got a tea with milk as Tokoyami got a water and the apple tart recommended to him.
The two took our their notes and began to study silently, hardly noticing when it began to rain again the roof and walls made of windows.
Or when the plants around Toya began to grow out towards him, soon enough he had flowers blooming in his hair as vines gently wrapped around his legs and one around his neck.
A gentle cough brought the attention of the two to their red headed waitress who was smiling gently at them.
"Would you two like anything else? My shift is about to end, so I will he handing you over to our other waitress."
With that she waved a green haired girl forward who didn't have the guts to look at either boy, her cheeks were so red it looked almost painful.
"Oh thank you very much for letting us know, we are just studying for an exam." Toya smiles up at the two girls.

"Ah r-right, you were both in the UA sports festival." The shy girl whispered and the red headed girl looked at her coworker with curious eyes.
"I didn't realize you watched those types of things LiLi." Causing the girl with bobbed black hair and glasses to blush darkly and with a nod made to get the two refills.
"Please be nice to LiLi, she doesn't do well with men. I would stay longer but my mother is very unwell." At the explanation the two boys gave their well wishes and were soon left alone once more.
"Do people usually talk to you about their lives?" Tokoyami couldn't help but ask, noticing the concerned look Toya was giving a certain plant.
"Oh yes, I'm not sure why. But I don't mind." The boy smiled at Tokoyami as he gently cooed at a few leaves.
"Generally people tend to stand away from me." Tokoyami hummed, and Toya hummed in confusion.
"But why? Your the nicest person I've ever met." Instantly the black haired boy chuckled as he shook his head.
"Most people think I'm very strange, especially when Dark Shadow comes out or my quirk is showing."
Toya seemed to hum deep in thought before peeking up, "what if I give you a sticker??" With that he dug into his backpack before pulling out a cute squirtle sticker and placing it gently on the other boys cheek.
The two shared a look, red eyes meeting blue and suddenly Toya couldn't move his hand from the other boys cheek.
Thunderstruck caused the two to break apart with red cheeks, before Toya gave a giggle soon followed by a soft chuckle from Tokoyami.

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