A Mad Banquet

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The fresh earthly scent of plants was the first thing Toya woke up to, and it instantly calmed the young boy down

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The fresh earthly scent of plants was the first thing Toya woke up to, and it instantly calmed the young boy down. He sat panting heavily on his bed clutching at his heart as his eyes scanned the room.
After realizing he was still safe Toya ran a hand through his hair, eyes trailing down to the vine that had began to wrap around his wrist throughout the night.
Toya got up with a grumble, unwrapping the vine as he went then pulled on his uniform with a huff.
Clearly not a morning person he headed down to greet a wide awake Katsuki who tossed his younger brother a protein bar.
"Come on, today will finally be the day I'll get to show those extras how amazing I am." He smirked as Toya giggled, slowly waking up as his mind imagined the others reaction to his quirk from yesterday.
With that they headed off towards UA, both silently eating their protein bars as they went.
As they walked into UA Toya's eyes flickered over the hundreds of other students before he suddenly stumbled forward. He couldn't stop the heat that washed over his face showing his embarrassment from his clumsiness.
After throwing away his wrapper away Toya gently grabbed the edge of Katsuki's book bag as they walked through the halls.
Instantly the small trembling of his fingers stopped and he calmed down enough to peer around at the other students.
One boy in particular caught his interest and Toya couldn't help but stare at the boy with wild purple hair.
Violet eyes met blue and the two gave each other a curious once over before Toya gave a small smile.
The purple haired boys eyes filled with confusion before looking behind him before turning to look back at Toya.
He gave a small wave of his hand, but before Toya could reciprocate the boy seemed to fade in with the other students. His dark bags and purple overall look the only thing Toya could use to describe him for now.
As they walked into class Katsuki walked over to his class before Toya sat down then noticed Tokoyami.
"Tokoyami, good morning!" Said boy perked up before greeting Toya.
"The darkness will prevail, but yes it is a good morning." Toya giggled before pulling out a few plants and beginning to set them up once more around his desk.
The boy picked a few plants and began to mix them together to create balms and medicine that he seemed to figured out himself.
"So, do you always carry plants around with you Toya?" Sero asked, leaning against his desk as the black haired boy watched the blonde boy along with Tokoyami.
"Well, when I was younger this was the only thing my mother taught me...Plants are kind of how I remember her by." He responded softly, his eyes dulling slightly as his memories seemed to haunt the young boy.
Instantly Katsuki glared at his classmate before pointing at a certain plant,"May I have a tomato?"
Toya perked up and instantly picked a small tomato and held it out for his brother as he looked over his work, his mind straying away from his past.
As Aizawa walked everyone made it to their seats while the young Bakugo perked up, his wide eyes trained on his idol.
Katsuki's voice is what broke him out of his stupor, "I know."
Toya hummed in confusion, but as class continued on he took out his notebook and began to write down notes.
"Now lets get down to homeroom business, today I'll have you..." Instantly the class tensed up expecting another crazy test, "chose your class representatives." Toya instantly perked up causing a certain bird boy behind him to groan about the 'the darkness shall prevail' once again causing Sero to snicker.
Toya was quick to agree to the voting idea that Iida had and as soon as he was handed a paper he wrote his name down with a small blush on his cheeks.
Will anyone vote for me? I hope so, I'd love to be a representative.
After the votes were counted up Toya couldn't help but gasp as he saw his name had two votes along with Momo while Izuku had three.
Momo and his eyes instantly met as they realized the situation they were in.
"Since we have a tie for deputy representative..." Iida trailed off as everyone looked between the two, one of which would be perfect for her mind and overall status but at the same time...
Nobody wanted to hurt Toya's feelings, the boy a softie that they didn't have the heart to hurt. Also Katsuki would probably kill them all if they made the younger Bakugo cry.
"How about Momo is Deputy Representative and Toya is 1-A's mascot?!" Iida instantly stepped up after realizing he sadly hadn't won.
Toya perked up at the idea, his eyes shining and the class could swear they saw cat ears and a tail suddenly pop out of the boy.
Aizawa stood up to say no to the idea but fell silent at the happiness the boy had at the idea and couldn't help but think of a certain over the top best friend of his.
"Whatever, I don't care just get on with it."
And with that it was decided, Katsuki grumbled about not being class representative but was quick to congratulate Toya with a pat on the head.
At the sound of the bell ringing Toya followed his brother to the lunch room, his eyes trailing over to Tokoyami who was with the girl with short black hair and a boy with a tail.
"You can go hang out with them if you want." Katsuki grumbled, his eyes not leaving the long line they found themselves in.
"No! I want to hang out with Suki-sama today, do you think others will sit with us?" The boy seemed nervous at the prospect of not making friends, having had none in his past school experiences except Katsuki and Izuku.
"Who cares, though I think raccoon eyes and shitty hair are saving us a seat." He grumbled. After getting their food the two walked over towards the pink girl Toya believed was Ashido, Sero who sat behind him, Kaminari who Toya had yet to meet and Kirishima who Toya wanted to play withs hair.
"Ah! Toya, Katsuki we saved you two seats!" Ashido grinned and instantly Toya took a liking to her as he sat down.
"Oh my gosh! You have horns! Can I like...touch them?" Everyone watched as Ashido grinned leaning her head over, and instantly Toya touched them gently before seeming to sparkle.
Tokoyami a table over groaned as his eyes had fallen on a certain sparkly boy of the class, not talking about Aoyama.
"What a mad banquet of darkness..."

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