Introduction to Y/N: The Hostage

Start from the beginning




I reconstructed the scene. It turns out the deviant and took the father's gun and shoot the father before taking the hostage, then shoot the first responding officer while the hostage was watching.

I notice something under the table and look at it. It was a gun. Must have belonged to the officer. I tuck it in the back of my skirt/pants just incase.

I look around by the balcony and find a child size shoe with traces of human blood on it. The hostage could be wounded. I also find traces of blue blood by it. I use two fingers to get a sample of the blood then put it on my tongue to analyze it. A PL600 model.

I have enough information. I go out onto the balcony to confront the deviant. Almost immediately a bullet is fired at me but only grazed my upper arm. I turn to see the deviant on the very edge of the roof with the little girl, gun pointed at me.

"Stay back! Don't come any closer or I'll jump!" The deviant shouts "No! No, please, I'm begging you!" The little girl cries. I look around to see SWAT teams on other rooftops getting ready to shot the deviant when the time comes. I go with a calm approach.

"Hi, Daniel. My name is Y/N." It looked at me shocked and scared. "How do you know my name?" "I know alot of things about you. I've come to get you out of this." I start to approach it slowly. "I'm an android, just like you. I understand how you're feeling." "What difference odes it make if your an android? You're on their side! You can't understand how I'm feeling!" It cried.

I notice an injured officer lying on the ground. I scan him really quick to make sure he is still alive. I slowly start going over to him.

"Are you armed?"the deviant turns its gun back to me. I needed it to trust me so I told the truth. "Yes. I have a gun." "Drop it! No sudden moves, or I'll shoot." I decided to just comply with what it says and throw away the gun I found.

"There no more gun." I try to negotiate with it again. "They were going to replace you and you became upset. That's what happened right?" "I thought I was part of the family. I thought I mattered...but I was just their toy, something to throw away when you're done with it."

I get to the injured officer and kneel down beside him. He's still alive but just barely, he is losing blood too quickly.

"He's losing blood. If we don't get him to a hospital, he's going to die." I say to the deviant. "All humans die eventually. What does it matter if this one dies now?"

"I'm going to apply a tourniquet." I try to turn him over so I can see the wound. A gunshot sound sounds off but luckily it was aimed at the ground. "Don't touch him! Touch him and I'll kill you!" This deviant really is naive. I look it dead in the eye."You can't kill me. I'm not alive." I removed my tie and tied it tightly above the wound to stop the blood.

I stand back up and continue to slowly approach the deviant. "I know you and Emma are very close. You think she betrayed you, but she's done nothing wrong." "She lied to me! I thought she loved me...but she's just like the other humans." Emma looks down at the ground with a hurt look. " Daniel, no..." it said nothing but pushed the gun further onto her temple.

"Listen, I know it's not your fault. These emotions you're feeling are just errors in your software." "No, It's not my fault. I never wanted this. I loved them, you know...but I nothing them. Just a slave to be ordered around." The helicopter above us tried to get closer.

"Ugggh...I can't stand that noise anymore! Tell that helicopter to get out of here!" I saw no problem with it so I did as it requested. I motioned them with my hand that everything was under control and they complied and left the scene. "There, I did what you wanted." This is my last chance to get him to let the girl go.

"You have to trust me, Daniel. Let the hostage go and I promise you everything will be fine." I tried to negotiate. "I want everyone to leave...a-and i want a car. Once I'm outside the city I'll let her go."

"That's impossible, Daniel. Let the girl go and I promise you won't be hurt." I can tell I'm starting to get through to it. "I don't wanna die."

"You're not going to die. We're just going to talk. Nothing will happen to you, you have my word." It takes a moment to think about it.

"Okay. I Trust you." It lets the girl go and she runs away to a safer spot. The deviant looks at me. My face returns to its emotionless state as I know what's about to happen next.

The SWAT teams immediately starts to fire at the deviant. It falls to its knees and makes eye contact with me. "You lied to me, Y/N. You lied to me..." It shuts down still looking straight at me.

Captain Allen and the rest of his guys came out to get the deviant and get the girl back to her mother. I simply walk out, not caring about anything else.

Sorry, Deviant, but I always accomplish my mission.


"I am the android sent by Cyberlife." Human Connor x Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now