Chapter 3

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As I laid in the bed with my eyes closed, I felt something start licking my neck and it kind of tickled. I opened them and seen the cutest little husky puppy in the world.

"Hello little puppy" I said smiling and rubbing his stomach. In response he barked in his little baby voice.

"TRIXXY BABY WHERE ARE YOU" I heard a female voice yell in the house. The little puppy jumped out of my lap and ran to door of the room and started barking.

"Mama's coming baby just stay right there" the same woman yelled. What was going on. I got out of the bed and slipped on some pajama pants that were laying next to the bed considering I only had on a tank top.

"Oh Trixxy" A black haired woman said running into the room to the puppy.

"You scared mama half to death" she said hugging him. I was confused. It was just a dog, he was cute but she was talking to him like it was her son or something.

"Jasmine did you find him" a man about the same height as Clark said running in after her.

"Dammit Trixxy you can't scare your parents like that." I was surprised when the puppy actually whimpered at the man.

"It's ok, I know you were scared but we can help you." he said squatting down and picking the puppy up. This was weird.

"Um excuse me who are you guys" I asked making my presence known.

"Oh look Matthew has yet another whore in this house. You need to talk to him about this, it's getting out of hand" the woman said standing up. Did she just call me a whore.

"Who the hell are you calling a whore. Bitch you don't know me" I said getting in her face.

"Bitch ? I'll show you a bitch you little human. I'd be careful how you talked to me. I could rip you to pieces if I wanted to." she said growling in my face.

"Jasmine stop it ! She's your Luna" the man said intervening. The woman's eyes went buck as if she'd seen a ghost.

"My Luna ? She's a human. Alpha's mate is a human"

"Yes and you know if he found out you threatened her he'd personally kill you and I wouldn't be able to stop him so I'd advice you to shut your mouth."

"Hi Avianna, I'm Sam short for Samson, I'm the beta of this pack, this hot head is my wife and mate. You'll have to excuse her disrespect" he said with pleading eyes. He was scared for her. If it meant getting her killed I definitely wouldn't be telling Clark. It wasn't that serious just a misunderstanding.

"No worries. I won't be telling Clark" I said to him shaking his hand.

"Thank you. This is our son Terrence but we all call him Trixxy." he said looking down at the pup in his arms with admiration.

"He just had his first transformation and ran off. That's why we are in here. I assume he was expecting the alpha to be in here. They're pretty close." Sam explained. It all made sense now.

"Well hello, why such a big family reunion" I heard Clark say as he walked into the room. His eyes met mine and I couldn't help the smile that crept to my lips. Had I missed him ?

"Morning baby" he said smiling back at me.

"Good morning" I said to him biting my lip to stop from smiling.

"Is that little Trixxy. When did he start shifting ?" Clark said taking the puppy from Sam.

"Just today. He ran in here and I'm assuming from the marks on your mates neck started licking her." Sam said laughing.

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