Chapter 2

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I ran from the wolf-like figure as soon as my feet could work properly. I didn't know where I was going but I had to get out of here. I was surprised when the animal didn't follow, I guess he was finally going to let me leave. I was however sadly mistaken when I felt two strong arms wrap around me and pull me into his chest. There goes those sparks again, but this time they felt stronger. The Sparks sent tingles down my spine that made my breath hitch in my throat.

"Don't ever run from me ever again. Do you hear me" He growled in my ear. I might've been in a trance but that didn't mean I was about to let him talk to me like that.

"Don't talk to me like that. You scared me" I said shakily. I was still shocked by his transformation and the tingles that were still running up and down my spine. A part of me prayed he wouldn't let go.

"Baby we've got to tame that mouth of yours." he chuckled. I loved how easily that word rolled off his tongue.

"I wouldn't be this way if you'd talk to me like you had some sense. I don't take orders, only suggestions" I said to him before he turned me around so that I was now facing him. When his arms left my body I instantly missed it. I felt myself pout at the absence.

"I can't believe you, so stubborn, are seriously pouting. Why is that Luna" he said taking my hand and walking towards a set of stairs.

"What the fuck is a Luna" I asked more to myself but he heard me.

"I'd rather you reframe from cursing around me." he said cocking his head back but still walking.

"That's much better than ordering me. You're learning." I said smiling a bit but then I caught myself. Why was I being so willing with this stranger ? He kidnapped me for crying out loud. I knew exactly why I was being so willing. It was a part of me that was optimistic and believed that I was really his mate or whatever they called it. Another part of me wanted to learn what all of this meant, and even though he could turn into a monster or wolf, I knew he wouldn't harm me. The way he held me proved that. I had never felt so safe or connected.

"Well let's make a deal. How about meeting in the middle." he said to me opening a door that looked to be his room. It was nice but like the dining room, it lacked that homey feel.

"Meet in the middle how" I asked sitting down on his bed as he went into his closet to change.

"I follow your rules if you follow mine" he said back.

"That depends"

"On what"

"Your rules. If they're too harsh I won't make a promise I can't keep."

"They're simple. The fact that you are my mate you're obviously destined to be mine and I'm very possessive and protective over what's mine along with being jealous. I need to be reassured that you understand that no man is to ever come above me. No woman will ever come before you." he said joining me on the bed in fresh white silk pajama pants with gold trimming. We were matching.

"Possessive ? You can only be possessive over your possession. I'm far from a possession. I'm a woman, you should think of me as your partner. How about that ?"

"You're going to be a handful" he said smiling and his eyes sparkled.

"You really have beautiful eyes" I said and he blushed. That almost made me melt. A 6'5 man blushing at something I told him in which I'm sure he'd heard before. It was the most adorable thing in the world.

"Did you just blush" I said smiling at him.

"That doesn't matter. Thank you, you're beautiful"

"I didn't compliment you just to get one. I'm a pretty confident girl but I hate compliments"

"Why is that"

"I guess because you can never really know if the person is lying or not. Is it ok if I get under your covers" I said peeling them back before he gave me an answer.

"Yeah sure. So I guess I'm suppose to tell you about myself and vice versa"

"You're bad at this dating thing huh ?" I said laughing at him getting comfy on the pillow under me. He followed suit and laughed as well. Even his laugh was beautiful. I'm sure I would be doing stupid things just to hear him laugh. I was unhealthily becoming attached to him and I had just met him 2 or 3 hours ago.

"Well if you must know, I'm not but you're kind of making me nervous I guess"

"You know this is really backwards. Im sure kidnappers aren't this nice to their victims."

"I assure you, my plan wasn't to make you feel kidnapped. You may leave if that's what your heart desires. I was just getting tired of seeing you and you not knowing me. My wolf took over and he kind of took you I guess. He's been going crazy to at least talk to his mate. Although your mouth is killing him, he's really happy you're here."

"Isn't your wolf you? Why talk about it in 3rd person"

"Well the way it's set up is like a state of mind, almost like an alter ego. If I get too mad I will no longer be the one talking, he will. If I'm calm, I'm me. It's like having two people in one body and they're triggered by emotions. For instance, when we begin to make love, if it's slow and passionate that's me but if you notice I'm rough that's not me. It would be my wolf" he said tracing my face with his finger. Just talking about it made me excited. I wondered if he lived up to stereotypes about white men or if he was the exception.

"You shouldn't refer to sexual thing so early on. We just met."

"No you just met me. I've known you for quite some time now."

"I would remember your face"

"Let's just say you've never been awake when I seen you"

"You stalked me" I asked sitting up.

"Calm down. I just made sure you were safe. When an Alpha finds his mate his whole pack and others know. I'm not necessarily the most loved man and I'm sure my enemies would come for you before they came for me. Considering you are a human."

"Oh well thank you I guess" I said settling down back into my position.

"That's my job to protect you, no thank you is needed."

"So do you plan on changing me. Into a werewolf, that is"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there, love. Take a nap with me"

"But I'm not sleepy"

"Well I am and I really want to hold you" I wasn't going to turn him down. If there was ever a chance for him to hold me I would happily oblige.

Picture of Avianna

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