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"The Calvary battle is based off of a point system that goes by five; for example forty-fifth place is five points, forty-fourth is ten and so forth," I felt Deku stiffen beside me, all eyes locking on him. "And first place is worth, one million," midnight smiled, her whip clapping the air. I placed my finger on my head, tapping lightly as I thought through my options, "of course everyone is going to avoid Deku so maybe I should too," I groaned slightly in frustration, "but then that would leave Todoroki and Kacchan, their quirks match the best with mine." Continuing to lightly tap, I looked over at Deku his face showing panic as he struggled to find teammates. I sighed, "I'm done for," I mumbled.

"Deku," I called out as I strolled over to him, he looked over at me a gleam of hope visible. "Hey guys!" Ururaka yelled out, her smile widening, "let's team up!" She smiled. "Ururaka! You want to team up with me too?" Deku began to tear up, "don't be so dramatic," I mumbled as I patted his back lightly. "Yeah, if we run away the whole time then we shouldn't have a problem right?" Ururaka smiled, I raised my eyebrows at her unsure of whether she was serious or not, "I think maybe you're either overestimating him or underestimating those around us." "Phooey," she giggled, she's so sweet, "actually with Kan-chan's quirk, yours, and somebody else's I think...I might actually have a solid plan," Deku said, his eyes shifting over to Iida. Waving over at him, Deku explained the strategy: I would be the rider and they'd be the horses, maneuvering away from any teams with Iida's speed and Ururaka's zero gravity, I'd keep our defense up using my own quirk. "It's an amazing strategy, but I'll have to decline. Todoroki and Bakugo are not the only ones who see you as a rival," Iida shook his head, going back towards his own group.

I tapped my head lightly, attempting to think of anymore people, then it clicked. "Deku..." he turned towards me, "Tokoyami-kun, his dark shadow would serve as a good defense and so my quirk in addition to Ururaka's zero gravity could provide fast movement away from other teams."

Once the teams were set, midnight called out to start. All teams rushed forwards towards us, "not even giving us a chance," Tokoyami scoffed. "Run away," Deku yelled as we began to move, "not so fast," a student from class 1-B yelled out melting the ground in attempt to stop us. Giving him a sweet smile, I swept my foot slightly hardening the ground before projecting us forward, Ururaka made us all float except herself, "Kan-chan, manipulate the air around us to help us land." "Right," freeing my right hand I took a second to concentrate creating a small wind spiral beneath us, keeping away more teams. Just then I got a chill down my spine, "Deku, look over there," I pointed towards Shoji, Mineta's head popping out as he began to throw balls at us. I stomp my foot a wall appearing to defend us, "the wall might only be for now but it might end up trapping us," Tokoyami yelled.

"Float us again! Ururaka!" We flew up, I pushed us forward away from the teams, continuing to manipulate the air around us. "Tokoyami!" Deku yelled as Kacchan reached us attempting to blast us down.

"What a show folks! But hold on!! Class 1-A isn't doing so hot!"

"Midoriya," we all turned to look at the group who had stopped before us, "I'll be taking that now." Todorki's eyes narrowed, flickering over to me before rushing towards us. "Kaminari, now!" He yelled as he sent a wave of electricity to the surrounding teams, Todoroki followed by sending a wave of ice trapping the teams and as if on cue dark shadow shielded our team but became smaller in the process. "Another attack like that and dark shadow might be done for," Tokoyami groaned. Todoroki has shut us in, cornering us, "I think maybe if it happens again I can shield us but I'm not sure with Todoroki being as strong as he is." Deku's eyes shifted, "you'll do fine just defend as much as you can for now. Both of you."

"I told you Midoriya, I'd do my best to beat you," Iida smirked, suddenly flying past us with amazing speed allowing Todoroki to take our headband. "No way," Ururaka said as we were left in shock. "C'mon let's go! Let's get the points back!" Deku yelled, rushing forward I felt Deku pulling back his arm. He's using it...is he sure? Just then I saw an equally beautiful and bright light coming from Todoroki, my eyes widened, he was using his fire. Just then, Deku swiped grabbing and stealing a headband, "beautiful," I stared blankly as Todoroki's flames diminished. The tension intensified as we attempted to try again, Kaminari beginning to use his electricity again.

"Damn it! Icy-hot!" Bakugo blasted through the ice in attempt to grab Todoroki as well.


Everyone froze in place, the tension diminishing as quickly as it had picked up. Deku stepped down, his face serious; "I'm sorry you guys." Ururaka smiled, pointing her thumb towards Tokoyami, dark shadow held a second headband in his mouth revealing our place in fourth. We passed through to the next round, at that moment Deku began screaming his eyes crying waterfalls. I smiled, wiping the small trickles of blood running down my nose. I patted dark shadow's head, "good job, you did so good." I turned catching glimpse of Todoroki, his eyes fixated on his left hand and forearm. He created a fist, his eyes beginning to darken with malice as he looked into the audience; I followed his gaze, "endeavor." Endeavor was walking away, his gaze equally as cold as Todoroki's.


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A/N: I had fun writing this one. I gave myself some goosebumps imagining the scenes. Thank you for your continued reading.

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