Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next day at the shoot. Riley arrived late, they're already filming. She saw Joe seated beside Direct Sam and upon seeing her he stood up and went near her.

"You're late Ms. Skyler." Joe greeted with a fake smile.

"Sorry I missed the bus." she apologized while opening her bag and pulling out her laptop. "I already finish printing the third part and I already incorporated your suggestions and corrections." she explained as she handed him the newly printed screenplay.

"Ok, good." he took the director's copy and walked apart from her. She saw John filming with his scene with Ashley and after the director's cut they went to their van and retouched their make up. Riley went near to their van and handed Ashley her script and she went near John too.

"Here's your copy." as she handed him the folder. "Third part." she smiled at him but John just look down and opened the folder.

"Thanks for this." the he closed it and stood up and walk apart from her leaving his copy on top of the table beside him.

Riley followed him "John, do we have a problem?" she asked then John halted and faced her.

"do we have?" he threw back the question to her. She shook her head and dicely smiled, John turned away and continued to walk, Riley didn't bother to follow him again.

At lunch break everybody went out to the small pizza parlor beside the building where they're filming. Riley decided to stay and continue to do the last part of the screenplay. It's not because she has to finish it today but because she wanted John to ask her for lunch or if not, he'll bring her something to eat whenever it's impossible for her to lunch out. But no John approached her at lunch break. She went to the toilette thinking when she comes back she'll find a take out box on her table, but she found non. Her stomach was grumbling so she drank plenty of water to ease her hunger. And it's already 3:30 in the afternoon, her hunger can't be relieved by just drinking a lot of water but she still decided not to eat.

"Hey Rai." Tallard greeted sitting on a chair beside hers. Tallard was John's friend who was picked to play the role of the lead man's best friend. He's not new to her since most of the time Rai spends time with him, John, Ashley and another friend of them named Jason.

"Hi Tallard." she smiled.

"You didn't take a break, do you?" he asked, she just shook her head and continued to type."Here." as he put a sandwich and a soda can on her table. "John's worried."

Riley froze and looked at Tallard. "Where is he?" she asked.

"He's packing up, he said he's not feeling well." He answered and stood up, Sam was calling for me, see you around."

"But what happened to him?" she stood up too and tried to chase him

"Talk to you later!" as he waved his hand.

Riley sat down again and looked at the sandwich and soda on top her table then she sighed. "he can't stand watching me starve." she smiled and took the sandwich and bit on it.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"John what's wrong with you?" Ashley asked as John was packing up his things.

"Yeah, your so different. You didn't goof around and make fun of everybody today. " Jason laughed. But John didn't say a word.

"Is she the reason? You're evading her since morning." As Tallard went near after his scene was finished. John stopped for a while, looked at where Riley was and sighed. He zipped his bag and took it on his shoulder and walked towards his car.

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