Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

While they're filming at one of the chosen places around L.A., the whole staff and crew of the movie were there busy on their own line of job, Nicholas visited them.

"Nick! How you're doin?" Sam said while walking towards him.

"Doing great Sam." as they shook hands. "how about the shoot? How is it?" as they walked near where they were filming.

"Everything's fine Nick. Within the next 4 months we can post the trailer. I hope." Sam smiled looking around them as he called for a break.

"How's Riley doing?" Nick asked looking around if he could see her.

"Joe had excellent job teaching her, she improved well since the first part." Sam pointed where she was. "There she is."

"Yes I see her." Nick nodded his head as he saw Riley in front of her laptop while John was seated on her table talking to her while eating a sandwich. "how about the staffs and crew, the actors?"

"They're all working hard, doing their tasks to the very best of their abilities. And for sure this movie will be big." Sam smiled widely and he turned to Nick looking at the same direction where Riley is.

"That's good." Nick smiled back. "I'll just check on them." as he tapped Sam's shoulder and begun to walk where Riley was.

Afar, John saw Nick walking towards their direction, he swallowed the last bite of his sandwich "Mr.Lanner is here." he stood up from Riley's table and wipe his mouth with his hands.

Riley looked at her back and saw Nick approaching them. She stood up and smiled at him. "Hi Nick, how are you doin?" she greeted.

"I'm doing fine, very busy but I'm OK." he smiled back.

"Hi Nick." John greeted doing the same greeting Riley did.

"John." Nick looked at him and smiled dicely "Are you suppose to be reading the new part of the script?"

"Nah, It's break time, we can do anything." he responded looking around with a naughty smile, he took his soda and drink from it. "How about you? You suppose to travel outside the city or somewhere else, why here?." he laughs.

"I'm checking on my project every now and then, I have schedules when to check them all." he smiled

"Ah, I see. Is she one of your projects?" he laughed a little looking at Riley.

"John?" Riley said then pushed him a bit. "He's just joking Nick, don't mind him" she faked her laugh.

"Yeah, I'm just joking Sir." John said smiling. Nick was just looking at him straight and serious

"I know." Nick said nodding his head slightly. "Can we chat over there?" he looked at Riley and moved his head towards his side and glanced at John.

"Ok." Riley looked at him and walk apart from John. She glanced behind her and saw John looking at them.

"How are you?" Nick begun, looking back where Riley glanced at.

"I.. I'm fine.. I'm beginning to like everything about my job." she smiled widely pulling her blouse downwards.

"I'm happy to hear that." he smiled back as they stopped from walking. "Do you know the TV series Captured?"

"Yes, that's one of my favorites. Why?" She asked.

"They're needing one script writer as one of them is already quitting." Nick said looking straight where Sam called the actors back to filming.

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