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The silence was so much that you can hear your heartbeat and if you listen carefully you may even noise the crackling noise of the fire. I moved back until my back pressed against a skinny one. I guessed it was Sherry. I looked at Alex, who was sweating so much as I racked my brain for some more lyrics. Gosh, what is it with my brain? Now when I wanted Music so badly, I can't think of anything lyric.

The tribesmen were looking at us with a burning stare. I looked at Alex again his, pale skin shining in the fire, his hairs a mess, and his blue eyes sparkling while he looked with horror at the tribesmen. The tribesmen started mumbling in their strange language. Maybe they were discussing how to kill us.

The Chief descends from his throne and came in front of us as all the other tribesmen go back.

" Ruoy gnos sah desaelp su," The Chief said to us.

"What?" I asked.

"Dna ew evah dennalp ot evig uoy noitadommocca sa gnol sa uoy ekil ot evil." the chief said.

"Maybe they are trying to tell us that they are going to kill us," Alex told me.

"What, Oh my god what are we going to do?" I freaked out. "I don't want my life to end like this. I didn't even achieve my dream."

"Neither do I," Sherry cried.

"Don't worry sweetheart, everything will be fine," Jake whispered to Sherry.

The tribesmen looked at us like they know that we are scared, and then one huge woman came and grab me in a tight hug.

" Ew tsuj tnaw ot eb sdneirf," The woman said.

I looked at her confused.

"I got it," Alex whisper shouted.

" Huh, Actually we don't understand your language," Alex explained by acting out too.

Let me tell you, he acted out skillfully. I think the tribesmen get what he was saying and then the huge woman acted out too. I don't want to put all the acting in the text because then it will generate a huge and boring chapter, so at last, we understand that the tribesmen wanted to be our friends.

They offered us 4 small tents and a lot of yummy fruits because I think these guys would not know how to make a pizza or burger. We sat near the warmth of the fire watching the tribe women dance, and then we too had that little story session. Though I didn't understand the language, I get the story by their wonderful acting. The story was about Princess Manhoo (I think because they were repeating the word again and again to a woman wearing a tiara made from banana leaves.) I think it was about how Princess Manhoo defeated a huge man with a fork.

The night was pleasant and so was the sky. After getting full and tired of sitting we went to our tents. In there was a small bed made from heather and it was so soft and warm. I was thinking about replacing my bed at home by the one I was sleeping at now. Soon the fire was extinguished and the night grew dark. Also, the chitter chattering voice coming from outside ceased until the only voice I heard was the hooting of owls and the singing of nightingales. It was peace at last.

Then suddenly I heard a voice,

"Ingrid are you awake?" It was a soft whispering sort of voice and I Understood it was Alex's voice.

Yes," I replied and scrambled out of the tent taking my jacket with me.

It was cold that night.

"Woah, sorry I don't mean to disturb you," Alexander said.

"No worries, I was awake anyway," I replied.

" Want to take a walk", he asked.


We went in under the sparkling stars moonlight on our faces.

'Ingrid, I am sorry,' Alexander suddenly broke the silence.

'What?' I whispered.

'I am sorry to not believe in you,' Alexander said his eyes looking on the ground.

'I mean you were always so nice and kind and friendly. You are so clever and you remind me of someone,' he said.

'Come on Alex, You cannot believe in someone you just met," I said smiling.

'You are nice, Ingrid,' Alex whisper, yawning.

'Seems like you need a goodnight sleep,' I chuckled.

We went back to our tents for good night sleep. Who knows what tomorrow brings!


Sorry, for the long wait. Life's been crazy. Thank u for waiting.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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