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Beezlebub x Gabriel

Perfect. Again with the cliche of a demon and an angel but still a perfect ship for me. Gosh I don't even know what to say. I LOVE both the characters, especially Beezlebub (I think we all do tho). They are just made for each other. They are kinda like Crowley and Aziraphale, dumbasses that share one single braincell. They're probably even dumber than Crowley and Aziraphale but whatever. And if they would be together I think that Hell and Heaven would be a lot nicer for Crowley and Aziraphale because you know, they are basically the 'bosses' of Hell and Heaven. 

But the moral of this story, I ship them. Simple like that.  :)

Also, the goddamn name Ineffable Bureaucracy, like excuse me I ain't English. I literally had to search the word because my dumb ass doesn't know how to spell BuREaUcRacY.

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