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Tsukishima woke up at about six am, well rested and actually looking forward to the day. He stretched before getting up and heading to the bathroom with his clothes for the morning to get changed, making sure to be quiet not to disturb anybody. Unfortunately, when he got there, Hinata was already there and somehow Bokuto was as well even though Fukurodani was in a different area of the building.

The pair, who moments ago had been quietly yet expressively talking about spiking, immediately turned to look at him and grinned when they saw him. "Tsukki! Good morning!" Hinata said happily, Bokuto saying the same aside from adding 'Hey, hey, hey!' before he said it.

"Morning," he said quietly, nodding in acknowledgment of their presence. "How is it that you two are here of all places this early in the morning. Especially you, Bokuto-san," he asked, rolling his eyes and awaiting an answer. Perhaps he had a good sleep, but it didn't mean he liked being awake this early in the morning, with loud people.

"We're both up super early to practise and nobody else was, and like we have a third gym group chat and it turns out both Hinata and I were awake so we met up here since we aren't meant to be out of our rooms until six thirty unless we're going to the bathroom," Bokuto explained, as if it made the most sense in the world. "Besides, my hair always takes a while to get this cool, so I had to spike it up."

Hinata nodded in agreement and then suddenly remembered something. "Right, speaking of the chat, we weren't sure whether to add you since you don't usually text people much, so Kuroo said that either he or I could ask you before adding you. Do you wanna join?"

Tsukishima blinked in surprise, tilting his head for a moment in thought and nodding. "Technically I'm just a manager and not really on any of the teams, but if you want me to join then that's okay," he said with a shrug, hoping he wasn't getting in too deep with this whole situation by agreeing.

The pair grinned and Hinata added him to the group, while Bokuto came over with a frown, beginning to lightly scold him. "Tsukki, don't say things like that! Just 'cause you're a manager doesn't mean you're any less a part of Karasuno, and especially any less part of our group. You're our friend, you're one of us, m'kay? And don't you forget it."

Bokuto saw him as a friend? They'd not even really talked much aside from volleyball, he didn't quite understand how he could be part of a group that he knew had been there for much longer than he was. His expression softened into a small smile, and he nodded. "Thank you, Bokuto," he whispered, looking up at him. The male just grinned and gave him a thumbs up, before letting him get changed.

Once he'd changed, Kei left the stall and went to the sink. While Hinata and Bokuto talked, he brushed his teeth, ran a brush through his hair and then put some moisturiser on his face. It was another one of those things that he did to make him feel a bit better about himself, since his skin was nicer and softer if he moisturised.

Surprisingly, when he was done he continued to talk to the pair, simply dropping his stuff off in his room and grabbing his bag (the one with his phone, headphones, water, Rex, his notebook and pen). As soon as it got to six thirty they all headed outside to the grassy hill, and it was on the way that he realised that Bokuto already had his long knee pads on, yet training didn't start for another hour and a half at least.

The third year seemed to notice his staring, and just gave him a sad smile before pointing to his arms. Oh. So Bokuto really had been through something similar, and the knee pads covered up his scars. Tsukishima mouthed an 'I'm sorry' since he hadn't meant to pry, but Bokuto shook his head and sent back a 'don't be' along with a softer smile.

Hinata looked at the pair of them in confusion when he realised they weren't talking but were conversing, but didn't pry in case it was something private. Quietly, Tsukishima started up the conversation again, so the silence didn't get awkward. "Um, anyways, I've been curious about something for a while. Is your hair dyed, Bokuto, or was it natural like that along with your wings?"

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