Chapter 11: Dreemurr Brothers of UT

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"You're right! Thanks Chara now to end this!!" Edward shouted. Cazrial scoffed at the attempts of the feeble beings that are gonna finish him. "Heh do you know how high my LV is?!" Cazrial asked. Edward stood still til his left eye started acting like a scouter from Dragon Ball Z. "LV is 21 am I right?" Cazrial wondered who was this freak that guessed it right. "How did you know?" Cazrial asked. "Last year my sister was wondering what would happen if she implanted a scouter that was broken down in one of her siblings so I was the only choice cause my brother got married, my other sister was away so of course I was the only choice to implant the thing of the scouter in by." Edward stated pointed at head. "You cheater! How many times have you been experimented on!?" Cazrial shouted. "A few lot I think I'm just the youngest so of course I end up being the most to be experiencing experimented on." Edward said slashing at Cazrial but this one the flower changed back to his original form. "Now you know not to mess with me or the one I'm trying to revive." Edward said. Cazrial was crying. "Stupid stupid stupid! Why!?" Cazrial asked. "Cause you know not to mess with a freak!" Edward slashed Cazrial unleashing the 6 Souls Cazrial had in him but they were taken by a certain person who was trying to get back the Souls of the taken. 'Frisk!? What are you doing here??' Chara asked. "I asked them to help me get back the Souls I needed to transform into the form of God of Hyperdeath." a flower being carried by the one known as Frisk said. Frisk was mad at Chara and Edward. "Why, why did you kill everyone?! They asked the two. "So you two steal our chance to revive Chara, now you die for real!!" Edward eyes glowed Crimson Red as Asriel took on the form of God of Hyperdeath. "You two broke every rule of this you call game there's nobody here cause nobody ever came!" Frisk stated. "Now you two took to much Souls of everyone leaving this AU bare, now we come to make you RESET!" Asriel shouted.

"Heheheh." Edward laughed. Do you know how hard we tried to claim every Soul we can, I try to protect her when I was six, but I couldn't cause I didn't have enough LV cause I was at three." Edward said with hate for himself. 'What do you mean Edward?' Chara asked Edward. "There was another Chara in my AU, and she took real care of me even when I was consider a freak, but there we had to fight most of the time cause everyone was gaining LV  for killing Angels and Demons, Humans and Monsters were attacking us but this Chara was different." Edward explained. 'Different how?' Chara asked again. "She didn't attack me when I was starving at the age of four, instead she gave me her food even when I called her the Chary by mistake try she took the name until she passed on by her own race for being a traitor and a Angel protector. Edward explained again. 'So that's why you're trying to revive me.' Chara said. "Yes cause once your dead in my AU, your soul is gone for good no reviving." Edward said. 'Let's kill them then.' Chara said picking up her knife with Determination.

The room House got dark, and the FIGHT happened with Chara slashing at Frisk and Edward attacking Asriel with all his anger. "So you're LV is just a measly 6 cause you didn't get enough DETERMINATION to get much." Edward told Asriel. "Cause you took most of the monsters souls instead of SPARING them. 'Why did you come here stealing my chance of being reborn?' Chara asked. "This is the wrong way Chara, he just kills for reviving someone is just wrong." Frisk answered. "It's the only way to revive someone from another AU in my AU we Angels and Demons are given a chance to revive multiple people just by giving up as few LV for giving that person another chance of LIFE," Edward said protecting Chara from the attacks of Frisk and Asriel. 'Edward let me help you instead of you protecting me cause your tiring or real fast.' Chara plead. "I just needed some food and I'll be energized again." Edward said. Chara wondered for a bit then thought of giving him their last 3 bar of chocolates. 'Here!' Chara shouted giving Edward a bar of chocolate and he ate it. "Thanks but that was for you." Edward said in thanks. 'I have two more so why not and give one to my bestie.' Chara answered with truth. "Heh let's just end this already and fast since I did have food in me because of you." He said.

Edward and Chara slashed at Asriel and Frisk nonstop until one of Edward slashes made contact on Frisk. "Frisk are you okay brother!?" Asriel said worryingly. "I'm ok but I can handle him." Frisk said. "No you've been hit with a Blue Violet weapon!" Asriel said. "Wait aren't those deadly poisons we learned about before the sudden RESET?" Frisk asked. "Why yes they only come from my AU  but is ventured by many for their rarity and poisoness pleasures." Edward told them holding up a leaf that glowed a yellow glow. Only this Miracle Leaf by another AU I entered is the cure for the poisons but I bought the whole set they had!" Edward said. Frisk started to feel not well and Asriel started to get tired. "Frisk I can't protect you for long we have to get one of those leafs to stop the poison in you!" Asriel planned. But that's when Chara slashed Frisk and made them on the brink of death. "No brother!" And that's when the last words Asriel shouted after Edward did his final attack. "Sorry but you two are really annoying with your love and not your LOVE." Edward said.

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