Chapter 21 - The Truth Comes out

Start from the beginning

All day I held back from crying but why, is it because I wanted to act Brave and strong. I had no idea, then it hit me. I didn't want to what happened 15 years ago to happen again. When Fala went missing I locked myself up and didn't get close to anyone so if something happened to them it wouldn't hurt me as much.

I loved Fala because she is my only sibling, and was upset when she went missing but this is a lot worse. I loved Rose with all my heart and it was my fault she was gone. I didn't want to say anything but my mouth betrayed me.

"Rose I'm so so sorry, please forgive me. I've been the worst friend ever and it's about the time I told you the truth." I sighed and took a deep breath in and out, "I don't know how to tell you this but I never meant to date Ambrosia, I thought it was you when I asked her to be my girlfriend" I said nervously.

"Remember when you asked me why I didn't brake up with her and I said it was complicated. Well every time I tried she went away before I finished or pretend to be hurt." At this point feeling guilty, I wasn't sure what to say next or if I should continue.

Nonetheless I carried on, words flowing out of my mouth. To my surprise I was able to form full sentences that actually made sense. "Rose I don't care whatever anyone says it's my fault, if I wasn't such a scaredy-cat cat none of this would happen. Rose I love you" I said crying into the palm off my hand.

When I had calmed down once again I went back to looking at Rose, and I could've sworn I saw her smile. I didn't get why I had to watch her she did banish all the villains after all "Hey creep, I got something for you" Mirror Rose said with a sad smile. I was going to say something but it wasn't the best time so I kept my mouth shut.

"Rose wanted me to give you this and these to the rest of your friends" she said before disappearing. At this moment I stoped neglecting my emotions, blocking my sight with anger and hatred, instead I listened to my heart the pain I felt would never be erased along side the guilt and shame.

I opened the paper that Mirror Rose handed me, as I read the first few words my expression changed from shocked to confused.

Dear Hawk
I know you and the rest are upset, but you need to get over it. This is the best possible ending, I will explain everything in this letter but you will not tell anyone or I will come back to life and personally murder you.

When I said I no longer wanted to be a hero that was because I could see the future, I knew I would bring trouble to fairytale land so I was planning on leaving. Though I changed my mind I still left but only for a few hours when the battle first began

It may seem as if I wrote this letter after I passed and that is because I can see the future. My today (which is your yesterday because I told Mirror Rose to give this to you a day after), I saw the future of fairytale land if I hadn't gone. And there was no future, it was ended by villains. You know me well enough to no they are no sad endings in fairytale land.

I know you have a lot of questions, but I'm afraid you will not get answers. I know you are wondering if I knew I would die and the answer is yes. That is why I wrote this letter, and if you want to know how I can see the future it is time magic.

Don't blame yourself for my death it was not your fault. Me and Ambrosia never really saw eye to eye. Even if you think this is your fault it isn't a bad thing. You helped my fulfil my destiny which was to save fairytale land, so I owe you a thank you.

I couldn't see the future past my death so I have no idea where you are or what your doing, don't be to sad I died and I know you can move on and have a happily ever after like all fairytales.

I accept your apology, I realised life was short there is no need to hold on to the past. If you want to know my happily ever after I already got it. Please don't take what I said at the battle to heart I was only joking.

I only have one favour to ask you, every day after school I want you to tell me what happened in detail and if anything exciting happens. And make sure to tell me about you graduation and coronation, even if I can't hear you I don't want to feel left out. You are now the official protected of fairytale land.

It was nice knowing you Hawk SnowWhite

Love Rose Cinderella

I know this isn't sad but it's the best I can do, pls comment any improvements. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.  1673 Words

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