"Vast investment in Technology and Agriculture, Sir!"

"Exactly. The world is evolving so is the business model. Alot of business men make the mistake of rendering one department useless; the human resource. Do you know our biggest marketing strategy and allies? People! Which brings me to my next point...

"In the case of the Pearl Dawn program, 'Practice makes perfect' is a massive misconception. Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes habits. Habits nevertheless may be bad or good. It is also a massive misconception by your other colleagues that 'The Pearl Dawn' program is a failure and completely irrelevant to the advancement of the company. The Pearl Dawn is an investment in human resource. For that, I am disappointed. I do not care about certificates and I don't see why the company should.

"Business needs to be treated like an equation. I need the reactants before I can determine what the products are!"

And at that moment something went off... wasn't an alarm? A timer?

"The meeting for today is over. I will like to see your presentations when next we hold a meeting. I have high expectations. Do not disappoint me." Farouq added in an all business like manner.

He adjusted his neck tie and stood to his feet. Like everyone else did, Leilah did too without the slightest knowledge of why the meeting was cut short when it clearly wasn't over.

Farouq made for the door first and she followed suit. Walking with Farouq was not something she liked. He walks like he was on a marathon or something. She pushed herself taking a step after another and on few occassions she almost tripped. It wasn't like Farouq noticed though.

She rode the private elevator with him. And on few occasions she wanted to ask him whether he planned on walking on the elevator too. When they exited the elevator, his pace resumed.

"Can you please slow down?" She heaved.

The broody man only gave her his silent back without a glance spared at her. Did his pace reduce? Of course no!

She increased her pace. Walking with pumps was definitely not easy.

She wouldn't have minded, afterall, they were going to the same destination, and she would have made it even at a different pace or time than his. But the last time she walked with him he made it clear he hates someone lagging behind. The least she wanted to do was to vex him considering he wasn't really fond of her. She had the sudden urge of asking him what his problem with her was but she almost had an assurance that he wouldn't answer.

Trying never hurts though!

She was so into her thoughts she didn't realise they were by the office door until she rammed into Farouq. Oops. Her eyes shut upward to look at the eyes that were piercing her. Blue dark eyes. She was assured if vampires were real he would be one of them. He looked like he wanted to suck her life out. She swallowed the lump down her throat.

"Three feets away! Wasn't that the order?" He said with a business supercilious voice. "Rule number 2: Three feets away! Always."

Oh, no. He wasn't shouting , okay? His voice was not less intimidating.

She rolled her eyes. Here we go with the rules again.

"Rule number 3: I loathe skinship. So, refrain from ever bumping into me. I am not a wall," he added.

He sauntered into his office and left her there. Some seconds later, she followed him with the strong determination of knowing what the potatoes was wrong with him.

This is what my father brought me to?

"What the potatoes is wrong with you, Farouq? What is this childish attitude? If you are so into rules why don't you just write all of them down? I bet they would be much appreciated. And it wasn't my fault that I bump into you. For your information, I was about to apologize but then you had to talk. You are more decent if you keep your mouth shut. If you walk like any other human , then maybe I won't have walked into you. If this is the work, I will request to work at another department," she said in a single breath, her voice an octave higher than usual.

He dragged his chair slightly back, made himself comfortable on it and then crossed his legs. " Do you know what I hate the most? Nepotism."

Oh, so that's the case. He also thinks the same about me. I guess this is something I will never escape then. She chuckled internally.

"You have only been here for two days and you are already complaining. If you want to quit, you are free to. Little princess, do not for a second think you will be treated differently than any other worker here due to your background. If you want to earn, you have to work like everyone else. But I can't blame you. All your life you have been sheltered in a glass castle. I hardly believe you know how to do anything good. I do not take mistakes lightly. I require excellence and professionalism," his gaze fixed on her.

This time she felt hurt. It hurts when everyone around you makes a price tag. It was as if her price was already placed and there were certain things people thought were the only things she was capable of doing. Worse, she couldn't blame them. Half of what he said was true.

"Do not give me a reason to fire you. I am sure the job means nothing to you, so it won't hurt."

"You can't fire me until I give you a reason to. At least, I hope that is the company's rule. I won't give you a reason to, Farouq." She reassured as determination surged through her.

" Stick to your words. And, address me appropriately."

She didn't say anything after and just sat by the chair at the table. She was tempted to go back to her office but he apparently has some work for her to do. She had so many questions for him. Nepotism? Is that why he treats her different? He may be that one that doesn't find the need to laugh but the employees respect him and he definitely didn't treat them like he does to her. During the meeting earlier, some members even joked around here and there and they didn't seem the least scared or intimidated by him. It had to be her.

Then, she thought of having some fun.

"Umm... Sir, do you remember back then when I was younger and use to come to your parent's house." She asked.


"Aren't those some fun times?" She forced the laughter down.


"I remember a lot of those days. Do you still play hide and seek? Ain't that your favorite?"



"I see you are quite fond of those days, Ms. Yaro. Would you by chance like a time machine?" He raised his brow, his left hand folded into a fist.

Oh Lord of Mercy! Did this man just raise his brows? He just gave her a reaction. Isn't that some improvement?

"Refrain from talking about personal relationships! This is an office!" His hands glided across the keyboard as he types.

"Yeah, sure. Of course, sir. All business. I will get back to my office now." She stood on her feet with a bright smile. She couldn't wait to go back to her office.

Me, myself and I. So much better.

"Wait!" He waved. She looked back at him, her dark lashes fluttering against her eyes..

He stood up and came towards her. His steps were... calculated. With each breath and step , it felt like he was up to something. She felt uneasy.

He was about three feets away from her when he said," Do you know what else I like?"

She shook her head indicating new.

"Equations," he leaned towards her. Her breath hitched and the close proximity affected her. She could feel her breath fluctuating. His cologne hits her really hard. She could feel it deep down in her nostrils.

That was totally unrelatable. She thought.

His eyes examined her intently before he went...

"You are a liar!"

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