A Combination of Friends And Shooting

Start from the beginning

Hibiki: After I got these powers I promised to protect people from noise but it happened? Tsubasa: and what happens?  Hibiki: Well, my friend miku found out, and she's an imported person from my life, and I seem to have hurt her with this lie

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Hibiki: After I got these powers I promised to protect people from noise but it happened?
Tsubasa: and what happens?
Hibiki: Well, my friend miku found out, and she's an imported person from my life, and I seem to have hurt her with this lie.
Tsubasa : I know you take your childhood girlfriend and yusaku as well and some friends have secrets
Hibiki: Understand. I'm grieving that you're strong and trust your skills. Reminds me of what yusaku said.
Tsubasa: what did he say?
Hibiki: you can't be anyone else but just be yourself.
Tsubasa : That's the right thing to say. You can't be anything else to protect your loved ones
Hibiki: tsubasa san
Tsubasa : sorry they do not have but these only Kanade He's got them with the cheers.
Hibiki : talked about Kanade she's doing what?
Tsubasa : she helps as she can.
Hibiki: I'm really hopeless. There's always a need for help And to figure out Something.
Yusaku : hibiki is true but not a shame
Hibiki & tsubasa: eahh
Hibiki :yusaku you appeared here?
Tsubasa: yes, you showed up out of the blue.
Yusaku: I'm sorry about this, but it happens all the time. Yes, it's no big deal if he gets any more help.
Hibiki: yusaku
Yusaku : hibiki me always I want to help you with your problems and your tsubasa
Tsubasa blushes.
Yusaku : hibiki you have to follow steps with steps that everyone is taught.
Hibiki : yusaku always know what to say
Yusaku : it's always me and how I help you with your homework and how I cover you in class
Tsubasa: cover it?
Hibiki : yes yusaku always when I'm having a lesson behind or when I don't feel good always jumps to help me This is our link
Tsubasa : your beautiful bond
Yusaku : tsubasa no one to be surprised and we are connected
Tsubasa blush: our link?
Yusaku nods
Yusaku : orce the day problem and come to help you.
Tsubasa comes back blush.
Yusaku :hibiki you said you were arguing with miku
Hibiki: do not know what to do?
Yusaku %" do what you feel
Yusaku: tell him how you know yourself like I told him
Hibiki : you talked to her
Yusaku : yes and I'm sure he'll forgive you like he does all the time.
Hibiki smiled and did as I said
(pass time)
Yusaku : it all depends on taking tsubasa
Tsubasa : yusaku you know what to do.
Yusaku : tsubasa I'm glad I'm helping.
Tsubasa inside: I'm alone with him just the two of us.
(time passes) "
Yusaku She walked around thinking with hibiki and miku but she also thought about Chris and how to make her smile more often. That's when it's called
Yusaku phone : yes
Kanade phone : yusaku kun we have a problem. Can you come?
Yusaku phone : yes Kanade and something else
Kanade phone : and the girl is there is in danger
Yusaku phone : it's Chris and I left thanks Kanade.
Kanade Phone : You are always welcome yusaku kun.
(time passes)
When yusaku was talking to Kanade and then Chris met miku and seemed very nice because of his influence yusaku.
(with Chris)
What's with me why I want to help all of a sudden. I want the noise not to hurt anyone.
Chris alerts them to noise and follows her to take them away from people so you don't get hurt.
Chris drew the noise and is surrounded by them and was preparing to attack.
Chris: why..... If I can't do... Why can't I how much... Please let someone save me...... Yusaku.
Chris was crying that she was the only one again and that she was fooled again, but not in this case.

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