Chapter 6 - Biotech Proposal

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'As I looked at the 6'2 the intimating Greek god in front of me asking me for a date, I blushed. Imagine a billionaire asking me for a date!'

I closed the book and sighed. Got fed up reading many Greek god romance.

Just I was about to take another book, I saw a geek god entering the library. It has been two weeks since the IV incident; I always noticed this geek coming after class hours almost every day.

Before he could look at me; I looked down and pretended as if I was busily reading.

Suddenly I felt some movement in front of me and looked up to see Adi coming towards my table with some books.

"Hi junior!" saying that he laid the books on the table.

"Hey senior, semester exam coming up?" I pointed the books.

"Nope. GATE exam preparation. Trying for masters." He smiled showing his dimples.

"When?" I whispered.

"Feb 4th, only 3 more months left." He shrugged.

Soon he started to study and take notes on his notebook.

I didn't want to disturb him, so I also started to read the same romance story. But now and then I secretly looked at him.

Maybe that was beginning of liking him.

Just as the alarm sound woke me up, I got up and got ready.

"Aaru, today is Sunday. Why are you getting ready?" Tamil, my roommate asked me.

"Umm, just thought of going to temple. Will be back soon." I replied.

Just as I left the girl's hostel gate, I heard familiar voice calling me.

I turned back to see Adarsh running towards me from boys hostel. Just like me he is also staying in college hostel.

"Aaru, you going to temple?" Adarsh asked me to which I nodded my head.

"I will join you." He said and came along with me.

"When did you become religious?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Every time he used ask me to get prasatham from temple but he never bothered to go to temple.

"Umm, today fourth year students are writing GATE exam. So I thought of praying for them."

"Praying for Aishwarya you mean?" I teased him to which he gave me sheepish grin.

"She wants to become scientist. Moreover if she passes the exam she will go for higher studies. So she won't get married while studying right?" His tone dropped a little.

Oh boy, seems like he is fallen in love. This is why I didn't want him to love her.

If it had been different country then I would have supported him. But in our society, younger boys marrying elder girls are very rare. Girl's parents never allow that. Main reason is girls tend to get married before 25 and boys tend to get married after 25. Why? because boy should get a good job and get settled in life. But for a girl there are no such restrictions, whether she is working or not, parents don't bother about that. When she completes her studies they will search for alliance.

So coming to Adarsh case, even if Aishwarya accepts his love proposal, convincing her parents is difficult.

"When have you decided to tell her?"

"After two months, on her last college working day. You?" he asked.

"I don't know whether it is love or not Adarsh. I just like him. Maybe be more than 'like'. But I don't think it is enough to propose him."

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