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9 months before the zombie apocalypse, Ann already have a stock of food in her house however it is still not enough, it can barely last a year, that if she eat 3 meals a day, and if she only eat twice a day, it can last a year and a 6-7 months, she can't take that much food too since it might spoil, Ann really need a space element ability Storage, however what she got is Gravity.

However Ann had a plan already, in F city there is a small pond hidden in the park, it's width is only 9 meters and a half, but it's 25 meters deep, rumours said it was where an infamous group got a special device, similar to a spacial storage but it can store living creatures.

The news was leaked out because a teammate of theirs ratted them out to their rivals, however the traitor was mercilessly killed by the leader of his ex-team before he can enjoy the price for his betrayal.

But before all of that,  Ann called her uncle's  family to warn them. Afterall when her parents died the inheritance that were left for her was coveted by others but her uncle's family helped her and didn't ask anything in return.

[" Oh! Ann dear, why did you call? "]

"Uncle Sam, you might think im crazy for what im going to say but i need you to trust me."

Sammuel was shocked at the sudden serious voice of his dear niece.

[" .... go on. "]

"9 months later an apocalypse will start, its a zombie apocalypse which zombies are all mutated, they can grow stronger. So please stockpile food as much as you guys can, start buying firearms and also call back all family members so we can ensure everyone's safety."

[" .... "]

[" Did you start writing Ann? Dont worry you have uncle's full support. "]

"Uncle i know you think im joking but im not, if you need proof, tommorow a slightly red rain will continue to pour for 6 hours starting 6  am."

[" You've been gone for three months visiting place to place is there a problem? I can help you... you dont need to "]

For more chapters go to MegoAlexia

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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