Chapter 4

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Xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao


~Last time~

The movie wasn't that scary so I looked around to see if anyone was scared and of course everyone was but me and half and half bastard. I continued watching the movie when Deku grabbed my arm. I was about to yell at him then I saw his face. It was... cute. So I pretended not to notice. I looked over at Kirishima and he was clinging to Todoroki. I felt kinda pissed off about this but I brushed it off.

~Now Bakugo's POV~

After the movie, round face suggested that we play spin the bottle. I didn't really care because I've kissed many girls and even if I haven't it's just a stupid meaningless kiss anyways.

Round face went first since she suggested it and of course it landed on me. I don't really care but she looked all nervous and shit witch pissed me off.

"Let's just get this dumb thing over with," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Eh- bu-but," round face stuttered.

"Oh my god shut up," I say, "it's just a stupid kiss."

Round nodded and went in for the kiss. To be honest she was making an ugly ass face and she's really fuckin bad at kissing. Like her lips are dryer than a damn desert. Like damn put some fucking chapstick on or something fuckin ugly ass. I'm surprised I didn't barf after that. After that she spun the bottle and it landed on shitty Deku. They kissed then Deku spun the bottle and of course it had to land me.

"Ok no," I said, "I was cool with this because it was just a damn kiss. BUT FUCK THAT MY LIPS AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE NEAR HIM!"

"Aww but Bakugo~," Mina wined, "it's just a kiss!"

Everybody started begging me to continue playing and I did because they're so damn annoying. Deku went in and was about to kiss me on the lips but I moved away in time and he kissed my cheek. Deku looked disappointed but I didn't care. (I don't ship bakudeku I think that ship is fuckin bullshit I'm just doing this for plot reasons)

It was my turn. I spun the bottle and it landed on a sad looking Kirishima. At first I was confused by why he was looking sad then I realized that I had to kiss him.

"OI shitty hair," I said to get his attention since he was spaced out.

He looked at me then I pointed at the bottle and his face exploded with blush.

"M-me?!" He yelled.

"No the fuckin wall," I said sarcastically.

Kirishima looked down in embarrassment and I was confused. It was just a kiss and it's not like we don't like each other. So what's the problem?

"OI what the hell's your problem?" I asked.

"N-nothing i-it's just," Kirishima paused before saying something really quietly.

"What did you say?" I asked, "speak up when you talk."

"I-it's nothing.." he said, "let's just get this over with.

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