"San, I simply desire answers." San abruptly stopped his work and turned off the machine.

"Do you want me to make them wait?"

"Are they in a hurry?"

"I guess not." San couldn't help but allow his eyes to linger on the skin which the collar of Wooyoung's shirt showed.

"Then let me take care of it."

"Wooyoung I'm perfectly fine-"

"I don't care." He interrupted, and slid San's chair to the side while he continued his work at the bowl, adding drops of the certain melted drug at the perfect ratio written on a small laminated note card with San's delicate handwriting with a purple pen. San allowed himself the break, having difficulty with breathing in the fumes the serum created. He got up slowly to turn on the fan located in the back in order to fully ventilate the room. "You should sleep since nothing will happen for the first few minutes." Wooyoung attempted to reason, looking over his shoulder at San's petite frame messing with the small fan.

"Those first few minutes are crucial. I should be paying attention now really." He walked back over to Wooyoung to hover over his work, taking a deep breath even with the smoke rising from the mixture.

"You're an idiot, and this is a bad idea."

"According to the paper you just signed, you think this is a great idea. Now Wooyoung, be a darling and deliver those for me when you're finished, I have something to take care of."

"Bitch." Wooyoung muttered under his breath, but still continued to mix the intoxicating serum, not even sparing San a glance as he walked out of the observation room.

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"Jiu, listen I don't have time for you all to mess around."

"San, if you would just listen to what I'm saying." Jiu gathered a stack of paper, and San leaned against the wall of the lab, observing her actions carefully. "The results we gathered from your last test aren't in favor of you being able to walk around carelessly any longer, we aren't messing around, it's the truth." 

San ripped the papers out of her fingers, and glanced over them, and skimmed the lines quickly.

"We can't deny it any longer, it's Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, everyone has been confirming it." Jiu scanned through another document before placing it on the stack. 

"We're missing something." He found himself saying, and looked at her unamused expression, her long nails looking deadly under the white light. He winced at her lack of empathy. 

"This is why we are doing this." She was right, and San was at a loss of words. He knew what he had even though he never read it or saw any results. His symptoms were enough to prove it without a brain scan. He wasn't willing to accept his fate, though. And no one could convince him otherwise. Besides, they were all being paid too handsomely to turn down this offer. This experiment could save his life, he just needed to play his cards right.

The results confirmed the growth of several tumors in his brain, let alone those in his kidneys and his spine. Several were benign, but he wasn't lucky with a few more. For most, this diagnosis and these results would leave one bed bound until their death. 

"When they are injected, will I be able to see results quickly? I'm much too exhausted to keep up right now." San admitted, and she softened her expression which San appreciated in the moment. 

"Unfortunately not. But I was speaking with Wooyoung and he said-"

"Never mind that. Please contact your team and relieve Wooyoung from his responsibility to administer, I want it done efficiently." He harshly ordered, exiting the lab as soon as the last word exited his mouth. He was fed up with people these days, and Wooyoung was always getting on his last nerve. People who cared about him always did, and it didn't help that part of him cared as well. He wanted to be disengaged from reality so bad, no needed to be so that if he died he wouldn't worry about anyone else. It's gone on too long like it has been, and San felt along the wall to steady himself as he made his way back to the observation room. He needed to speak with Wooyoung directly.

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