I can't stop the butterflies in my stomach from fluttering. My breathe momentarily stuck in my lungs. Heat courses through my veins pooling in my lower belly. His smile. Oh my lord.

I look away quickly. Hoping he hadn't heard, didn't know about my predicament. I have to squeeze my thighs together, shifting slightly to relieve the enormous amount of heat pooling, trying to mask the scent of my arousal is even harder. Tell the truth and it will set you free my ass.

I feel the heat creeping up my neck at the delicious thought of what those hands could do with my ass. Mind. Out. Of. The. Gutter. Mila!

"Jedrek? Are you or Ember able to sense what this is?" Charlotte inquires, gesturing vaguely in front of her. The big bad bald dude sighed, still sitting on his ass from his fall. His ladies head in his lap. She looks passed the eff out.

"I can try." He sounds tired.

I mean, of course he is. He just practically brought B.J. back from the dead. Beatrix-Joy is a mouth full even in my head, she got the nickname cause her mouth is usually full. Wink-wink.

Holy leaping Lazarus that's an awesome ability though. Healing people with your hands- wicked cool!

Char smiles softly. "Thank you. I'm sorry to ask." That earned her a returning grimaced smile from Baldie.

She thinks she's not good with people. Psh. She's so genuine you'd think she's actually that spider who spun webs for the pig. Looking at Damien... nope, no pig there. Prime rib maybe. He's definitely a bull. Stud on two legs. I wonder how bi-!

What the fuck am I thinking? This is Charlottes mate. I blink a few times, staring down at the floor. What's wrong with me?

The heat pooled in my belly twists, making me gasp. Two more echo in the room, momentarily relieving the heat as I try to wrap my head around the fact that but B.J. and A.J. are here, alive and now A.J. is mated. Holy hells.

I glance up to find Aries staring back at me with the same colored eyes that reflect from my own. What the hell is going on with us? Why do we have Silver fucking eyes?

The blood drained from A.J.'s face, the rush flows through me as we all double over. A low moan pierces through the room as B.J. pushed away from her dad to sit with her hands clasped over her ankles. I definitely wouldn't have wanted to be in my fathers arms when I'm feeling like thi-!

Suddenly he's there, body heat infringing on my personal space, fanning the fire burning between my legs as his scent invades my nose. Jax's Alpha energy immersing my own in wildfire, a shroud of protection and safety that warms my very soul. My knees buckle beneath me, suddenly like jelly as his warm chocolate eyes meet mine. His big hands clasped onto my upper arms, pulling me against his chest to catch my fall. My fingers seem to have a mind of their own, running over the smooth material of his shirt, the hard lines of his muscles fascinatingly soft under my fingertips.

I hear a soft thump behind me, I turned to watch as the people I assume are A.J.'s parents rush to help. Her mates face unreadably set in hard lines, staring down at her as she cried out. Her sound of pain distant in my lust infused mind, focus solely on the silky feel of the man holding me up.

A thrill of pleasure runs from my head to my toes as his lips graze my ear. A shiver of want whispers through me as I stifle the oncoming moan. Fuck. I really want him.

My eyes meet his again, my thoughts spilling out in a torrent of need that has his eyes darkening and his body hardening under my touch. A knowing smile graced his lips, thinking of all the things I want to do to him. More importantly the things I want him to do to me. More than I think I've ever wanted anything.

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