This Is The One...

Start from the beginning

"She is absolutely stunning and you are a very good-looking man. You are very lucky to have her..." The woman said with a kind motherly tone

"I'm the lucky one..." Barry said as he grazed his fingers over his phone with the photo displayed on it.

As Barry was lost in his thoughts for a few seconds; he then noticed Nora calling his name over to a counter not too far from where he was standing. "Barry, come over here," Nora said gesturing to a specific ring inside the counter display.

"I'm coming, Mom," Barry said as he approached his mother at the counter

"What do you think about this one, Sport?" Henry asked while fatherly grabbing his son's shoulder

Barry then analyzed the ring that his parents had picked out; which was a ring that had a round diamond placed in the center and with a basic band attached to it. Barry wasn't really feeling that ring; he wants his ring to be special to her and this one just wasn't...

"I don't know about this one, guys it's not speaking to me," Barry said while furrowing his eyebrows

"Okay say no more we will find you that perfect ring you are looking for!" The saleswoman demanded in excitement "What are you looking for in a ring exactly?" The woman asked with a sweet smile

"I'm looking for a ring that is simple but unique in a way..." Barry said unsure how to answer this question; he was thrilled that he brought his mother here to help him or else he would have to live at this engagement ring store forever if that was the case. Henry noticed his son's confusion between all of this; "Barry, I know how hard this can be. Believe me when I was here shopping for your mother; I was all by myself and I spent countless hours here. But you need to know that Caitlin won't care what ring you get her; she won't care how much you spend on it either. All she wants is to call you her husband; so don't stress about this Barry. I know how much you give to her; she is your world, your everything." Henry concluded while taking a glance at his wife, Nora.

Barry decided on taking his father's advice which made him realize how right his father was. Barry didn't even care if the wedding or the engagement was perfect or not, for him. All that mattered was that he wanted to finally make Caitlin, his. Barry loves her more than she will ever know; he can't wait until the day that he sees her walking down the aisle in her beautiful wedding dress. Barry then kept on walking to each counter to take a look at each ring; and one, in particular, caught his eye. "Mom, Dad what do you think about this one?" Barry asked pointing to a ring in the glass counter display.

"It's beautiful, Barry" Nora said in awe at the ring

"Here let's take a closer look at the ring," The woman said as she unlocked the glass display case, and began to take the ring out to show the Allen family.

Barry gently took the display engagement ring from the saleswoman; and he began to study it more carefully with each glance. The beautiful engagement ring had a round diamond crested in the center of the ring. Followed by a twisted band filled with tiny diamonds around it. The ring was absolutely perfect for Caitlin; Barry could instantly see each passing day of her wearing it on her finger. It wasn't too extravagant, it was perfect just like Caitlin Snow; Barry couldn't wait until he got on one knee to pop the question.

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