Chapter 2: Cold blood

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Author's POV

It was 9:03 pm on a Saturday night. The streets were filled with people, laughing and drinking, preparing for the long night ahead of them. Deep within the city a new club opened up called "The Red Bullets", it was their Grand Opening night. Big bright lights were flashing and the music was blaring, sweaty bodies moving together while waving their drinks in the air. The place was alive.

Across the street was an abandoned warehouse. It was dark and eerie, that people avoided walking near it. Inside the building, there was a wide room. Dozen of men stood along the walls dressed in black clothing, with guns in their hands. In the center of the room were two middle aged men tied down to wooden chairs. They hung their heads low, not daring to look up.

One of the black clothed men stepped forward. He stuck out, his hair was silver and he was much smaller in size compared to the rest. But even so his aura was dark and intimidating, and the muscles on his body could be seen through his tight fitted shirt. "You would be doing yourself a favor if you just tell us where your boss is hiding." The tied up men shivered . One of them lifted his head and began to shake. "Listen to me! For the last time we don't know where he is! They don't tell people like us that kind of information, we're just dogs to them don't you understand?!" The man shouted with so much force his voice began to crack.

The room's atmosphere was tense. The tied up man received a punch into his stomach. The silver hair boy stood up straight again cracking his knuckles. "See to it that these two nuisance get dealt with right away." Within a second a loud gun shot was heard, and the tied up man who was shouting not too long ago flopped over onto the floor with blood coming out of his forehead where the bullet had struck him.

Everyone turned their heads to where the shot had come from. Out of the shadows appeared a tall, well built man. He wore an expensive black suit, he was fixing the cuff on his suit with one hand while holding the firearm in the other. His Jet black hair swayed side to side. Strands fallen over his piercing eyes. He stopped a few feet in front of the men. "Sir, you're here?" The silver hair boy questioned. The man in the black suit straightened himself up. Locking eyes with the terrified man in the chair.

Hoseok's POV

"Of course I am, you know I dislike having other people do my dirty work for me Yoongi." We looked back at the dead man on the floor. Yoongi sighed and face palmed himself. He looked at me once more "Well since you're here now, I'm guessing you wanna have a chat with our little friend here right?" He asked. I slowly shifted my gaze to the frightened man in the chair. A smirk appeared on my lips.

I walked towards the man with a blank expression. I stood in front of him and leaned towards his face. "You know more than what you're letting on, that's why your friend here is dead. If you just comply I'll let you live. Cross my heart." I whispered into his ear. I could hear the man gulp and with a shaky breath he opened his mouth. "H-he's in Busan. He g-goes by the name Jinko."

I leaned back up staring down at the man. "I k-know nothing else. I s-swear please let me g-go!" A small grin formed on my face. "See it wasn't that hard now was it." I grabbed the man by the face, squishing it. "I promised I let you go. I crossed my heart didn't I," I let go of him while I signaled one of my men to cut the rope, "now go before I change my mind." The man fell at my feet trembling. "Thank you thank you sir." He stood up and quickly ran. "Actually there was something I forgot to mention," I pulled out my gun and pointed it at the fleeing man, "I don't have a heart." I shot him in the head, he collapsed a few feet from the door.

I lowered my gun. "Two head shots in one night sir and you didn't even break a sweat." Yoongi chuckled. I stood there frozen for a moment. Nothing. I felt nothing. No guilt, no shame, nor fear. Yoongi clicked his tongue. "But was that necessary? It's just another body for us to clean up." He scoffed. I turned back to him putting the gun away. "A man who is willing to rat out his team to save his own life shouldn't be allowed to live." I said as I brushed dust off my suit. "I'd shoot you down too if I ever get the hint that you're betraying me. Without hesitation." I emphasized the last word.

Jung Hoseok // Melting a Frozen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now