Houston, we have a problem.

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Kiara POV

We had a few days until winter break was over. New years had came and we welcomed 2020. I had good hopes for this year. I went over to JJ and Pope's house that afternoon. I rode my new skateboard that my parents gave me for Christmas. I was excited to show the guys. JJ also had a skateboard. When I got there he insisted that we went for a ride together. We rode down the street.

"Hey, you're not too shabby." JJ laughed. 

"I've been practicing for a few days." I admitted.

As I spoke a tan truck turned the corner. I could recognize it anywhere. It was JJ's dad. 

JJ lived with Pope's family, but his dad was still his legal guardian. Pope's parents tried to get him emancipated, but his father wouldn't sign the forms. He doesn't care about JJ, yet he won't sign him away. It's the weirdest paradox. 

His car pulled over to the side of the road where we stood.

He rolled down the window. "JJ is that you son?"

"Were leaving." JJ said to me ignoring his question.

"Aw, come on boy. Don't you want to talk to your old man."

"No, I don't want to talk to you." JJ raised his voice. I grabbed his hand to try to calm him down.

"Oh, I know you. You're JJ's girl." He said looking at me.

JJ shifted his body so I was behind him. "Can't you just leave."

"Why don't you just get in the car, and we can talk things through." He assured. "If you want me to sign those papers you will." He opened the passenger car door.

JJ looked at me. I knew what he was thinking. "No, you can't go with him." I pressed.

"Kie, its okay. Go back to Pope's, I'll be there soon." He let go of my hand, and slowly got into the truck. 

"JJ." I begged. He nodded to me as they drove away. If something happens to him it's my fault. 

I picked up JJ's board, and quickly skated back to Pope's house. When I got back, Pope was sat on the couch. I ran in panting.

"What wrong?" Pope asked, he could tell I was distressed.

"JJ's dad came by, and he got in the car with him." I explained. 

Pope stood up walking towards me. "What, why would he do that?" Pope questioned.

"Because he said if JJ would, he would sign the emancipation forms." I clarified.

Pope ran upstairs, and thirty seconds came down with a sweatshirt on and his car keys in hand.

"We need to go get him."

Pope and I got in his car, and made our way to JJ's old house. 

The last time JJ and his father had been in the same room, JJ had a breakdown. And the wounds he inflicted were not only physical but mental. If he lays a hand on JJ I will kill him.

When we pulled up to the drive way the house seemed quiet. His truck was here so they must be inside.  

"Why don't you stay here." Pope suggested.

"No, I'm coming. It's JJ." I asserted.

We walked to the front porch, and Pope knocked on the door. JJ's dad answered.

"We're here for JJ." Pope stated.

"JJ, your friends are here." He yelled through the house. A few seconds later JJ walked out with papers in hand. JJ said nothing as we walked back to the van. Before we got inside. I gave JJ a warm hug, kissing his cheek. I inspected his body to make sure there were no marks. Thankfully he was unharmed. But we'll see tomorrow since it takes hours for bruises to form.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. He signed my papers. Im emancipated." He smiled holding up the papers.

"I'm proud of you." I whispered as we got in the van.

"I am just glad I never have to see him again." JJ admitted. I smiled at him pitiful. I could tell he was uncomfortable from the encounter.

"What happened in there man?" Pope asked. 

"Um, I don't really want to talk about it." JJ said quietly.

We drove back to Pope's house without saying a word. As we got back Pope's parents had made dinner. We all sat together to eat. They too were glad to see JJ emancipated. After dinner we sat in the living room and watched some TV while Pope's mom and Heyward went to finish some work. 

Pope's phone rang, but he quickly hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh, some random number from the Bahamas keeps calling me. I ignore them though." Pope responded.

"Weird, I got texts from the Bahamas a while ago." I said. Pope pondered, then shrugged it off. We went back to watching TV. I held JJ's hand and noticed a bruise forming on his wrist. I decided to wait til morning to ask about it. 

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