"What?" I asked confused.

"Me and Kalani broke up." He stared hard into my eyes. I smiled.


"Yes. Because of something."


"Nothing. But I have something in the car for you."

"yeah? Like what?"

"Come on" Gino grabbed my hand again and lead me out the door. We walked to his red mustang. My dream car to be exact. We locked ourselves inside.

"Here." Gino said, handing me the gift. It was a small purple box with a red bow on it. I didnt open it. I was saving it for later. I wanted to kiss his lips. His soft lips. I just smiled. He smiled back.

"Your very beautiful Madison." I heard in my ear. That kind of threw me off in my place.

"Oh, uh thanks. I-I love-"

'No I cant! What if this ruins our friendship? What if he hates me after this? What would he do? I just couldnt tell him! Especially not now with Kalani and everything.'

"You what?"


"Oh ok."

"Umm... Thanks for the present. I'm gonna go back inside the mall now because of Mackenzie, she's waiting on me." I exited the car and walked across the parking lot and crossing street. I found out Gino was following me.

"I'll walk you there." he ran up to me. I know some of you guys would probably be creeped out, but I actually enjoyed it.

"That will be nice. Thanks." I smiled again.

"Look, Madison... I cant take this anymore. Look, I'm not dating Kalani, I never dated Kalani I just tricked you because of this reason that I had in my mind."

"Why? And what reason?"

"Just some reason. A stupid reason I guess."

"Oh... Um.. So? How did Kalani make it seem like your her boyfriend?"

"She likes me, a lot" He smiled. I rolled my eyes for like 6th time today.

"Look Gino..." I stopped. "How about we go out for lunch or dinner tomorrow as friends, how would that sound to you?"

"Great. Pick you up at 6?"

"Um, 7 because of dance and everything."

"Alright. See you later?" he walked away.

"Yeah sure!" I grabbed my cell phone and called Mackenzie.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Mackenzie are you done shopping? We need to get Brianna to bed for her nap and we need something to eat that wont cause heart problems."

"Um, yeah just finishing up. I'll meet you at the car." She replied.

"Ok. Bye."

"K bye." I hung up and walked to my car. I couldnt believe this was happening.

"Mackenzie? How are you in the car? I thought you was suppose to meet me here."

"Uh well I-"

"Never mind." I interrupted. I got inside the car and pulled off. I was beat down. I needed some rest; and a lot of it too. It was becoming dark and fast. The stars came out and shined through out the sky.

"I'm hungry."

"I know you are, cause I am too. Mom said she had some food on the kitchen counter in the house. We'll be there in about 5 minutes. We're near."

Brianna continued pointing at the bright stars like she's never seen anything like this before. She giggled and smiled as Mackenzie picked her up in her arms and carried her inside the house. We saw a big brown paper bag with Chinese fast food boxes. The little tiny container ones. Mackenzie put Brianna down for her nap as I grabbed my food and hers, I handed to her.

"Thanks" She said.

"Your welcome... I'm gonna hang out with-."

"With Gino. I know." Mackenzie smiled.

"How did you-"

"Lucas." She giggled. I looked at her. Lucas and Mackenzie have been dating for about 2 years now. Since she was about 12 and he was about 13 at that time.

"Um I never got a chance to ask this since you guys are dating, but how are doing so far?"

"Great! It could never be better! We're thinking about moving to the serious zone."


"Yes, I could never be happier."

"Awh, glad to hear that Kenzie." I sat the box down. "I'm full. Lets go to bed."


I tiredly walked upstairs and plopped on my bed and rolled myself into the covers. I couldnt wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow was Gino's "date" or hang out with me. I think I'm obsessed with him. You guys think? Oh well who cares right? As long pull him away and pull him closer. I blushed as I looked out my window. Darkness begin to form in my eyes and my brain begin to shut down. I began to fall asleep.

*****AUTHOR'S NOTE*****

Sorry guys! its late! I'll try to update today again! I'm like 5 chapters behind! Sorry! Like, comment, at this to your reading list, and dont forget to follow! So stay tuned! I'll probably have the chapter up maybe sometime today or early tomorrow! Also sorry if you feel its runshed a little bit, I kind of wanted to get this done before it gets to long. I'm also gonna try and start making the book Tralier for this book and post this on YouTube, I'll tell you when its done and up on my Youtube Channel cause right now I have absolutely nothing on there. Oh yeah I almost forgot, the picture is Maddie and Mackenzie's house right now(yes they dont live with their mom anymore, and yes they are gonna move soon) But anyways, Madison's car is a black thats all i know! So um yeah, bye guys! hope you enjoyed! xx

Youtube Channel: aldc.lukasiaks

Instagram: aldc.lukasiaks



Peace everyone! Love ya! xx

Xoxo, Royaldarkness_

Xoxo, Royaldarkness_

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