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  • Dedicated to Dance Mom Fans!



How could she do this to me? How could she? She KNEW i loved him with all my heart! Everything eas so different now with me and Kalani, that spoiled little brat just wanted everything i wanted. She's just jealous because I starred in the music video for Sia 'chandelier' and for her new up coming song and music video 'big girls cry' that I'm gonna be apart of. It had gotten worse over the years. She also couldnt stand that I was Abby's favorite.

"Kalani?... K-Kalani Hiliker?" I mumbled. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, why? Is there a problem?" Gino asked. I just shook my head.

"I'm gonna kill her." I growled under my breath. 

"What?" Gino grabbed me on the arm, and he wouldnt let me loose. "What did you say?"

I snatched my arm away and ran to go and find her. "I'm gonna kill her!" I screamed. Gino followed, running behind me.

"Maddie!" he yelled behind me, I could see he was running after me.

Every step i took was dreadful. I could not believe she would do this to me. Everything i did for her! Everything I had special with her was now gone. All of it. Every single amazing moment that happened in our lives. It had vanished. It was the end of our friendship.

There was Kalani sitting in a chair changing her shoes, it looked like she was getting ready for point class in a minute. I ran up to her.

"How dare you!" I screamed! "You knew i loved him! You dont have the right to take him away from me!"

"Excuse me? What are you talking about?:"

"Oh like you dont know! Your dating Gino! That's all you wanted! You just want to destroy me because i have much more oppurtunities then you! You know I love him!"

"Well... He wasnt really yours unless he was YOUR boyfriend, but he wasnt. So better of never. How about you cry to your little friends about Gino. Oh wait you cant! Because you've been lying to them, just wait til I tell them that..."

"I hate you! I'm gonna kill you!" I said. I was about to push her but i didnt get a chance too because someone grabbed me by the waist and held me back. It was Gino. I know how his warm arms feel and his soft body feels when he grabs me.

"Are you insane?! Stop! Getting in a fight in dance, really Madison? This is not the girl i see or know!" he barked at me. Gino sounded frustrated. He sounded hurt inside. What did i do wrong? I didnt mean to try to start a fight, all i wanted was to have him to myself again; And that's all i wanted for Christmas too.

"Kalani" The dance teacher called.

"Sorry, coming. Good luck Madison." Kalani mocked me. I was so heated with her all i wanted to do with her is stab her in the eye, make her swallow it so she would choke on it then slit her throat open, chop her body up and then feed it to wolves in the woods.

"Madison. What is wrong with you?" Gino gazed into my eyes. He touched my cheek.  I shrugged.

"I dont know, okay? I'm sorry." I apologized to him.

"No need to apologize to me. Apologize to yourself. Your the only driving yourself insane."

I sighed. I needed to take a break from dance and from this world. A long one too; and fast, before I kill myself. Gino sighed after.

"Look I gotta go. Dont drive yourself to insane while I'm gone; and please dont make my girlfriend mad. Thank you, bye." Gino said, picking up his dance bag and headed out the door.

I Can't Find The Words(Maddie Ziegler Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now